Freaking out!

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Stain: THE FUCK!

Me: Speak some sense that I can actually understand.

Stain: You just got into UA! Do you know how much I was contemplated to just break in and do a damn murder spree to get you out?!

Me: Why were you even trailing me?

Stain: Someone has to take care about you!

Me: ... That is not true.

Stain: Says the one who did that at the hospital.

Me: It was a request!

Stain: *sigh* Kid you just went inside with Nezu.

Me: And?


Me: And? I don't see your point.

Stain: You think he didn't just figured you out?

Me: Maybe he didn't.

Stain: That's what you think. I bet he knows everything by now.

Me: Why are you so pesimistic.


Me: I am not being naive and stop yelling at me.

Stain: Kid, do you know what a damn heart attack I got seeing you get inside?

Me: No but it was not necessary. I had a plan.

Stain: And this is your great plan?

Me: Yes and I found out a lot.

Stain: Then tell me, what if he decided the call the police on you?

Me: I am a dead kid offically. Even if he called the police they wouldn't find a thing on me.


Me: So what if I am?

Stain: *sigh* Did you touch anything there?

Me: Nope. Why.

Stain: Do I have to spell it out? Did you leave any finger prints behind?

Me: No. I don't have fingerprints anymore.

Stain: What?

Me: Look, I got bullied too much and got my hands burned a couple to many times. I don't have fingerprints anymore.


Me: What? Why are you looking at me like that?

Stain: And you think that is not suspicious?

Me: Well for an abused kid this is pretty much normal.

Stain: I knew you had it rough but not this much.

Me: I am a kid with a villainous quirk that used to kill some animals. Sooo that was kinda a given. 

Stain: *sigh* Don't tell this to Serpant. He will have my head.

Me: Why would I? He will have mine before yours.

Stain: Jesus... I can't believe that happened...

Stain kinda seemed a lot under shock especially because he was panicking and holding me tightly. Like this was definitelly no joke to him. He was natural pale but right now he was as white as a paper sheet and the way he was shaking a bit was giving him away. I knew that he valued his brother but I didn't expect that he kinda just took me in under his wings just because his brother kinda decided to pick up a kid and make dibs on it.

Me: Calm down. I am fine.

Stain: Yeah for how long you think you will be fine?

Me: I am good and I got out of there.

Stain: You still don't get it. Nezu has an intelligent quirk.

Me: I know which is why an animal from a laboratory can talk.

Stain: So you found some stuff out?

Me: Yeah he basically gave the information away.

Stain: And you think this is normal?

Me: He just fell for my schemes.

Stain: Did you ever thought that he was just throwing out the bait for a bigger fish?

Me: No. Is that your first idea when you see a beaten up kid to lure him in as a hero?

Stain: No but this is Nezu. You can never be as careful.

Me: I understand but Stain you are definitelly taking this wayyyyy too serious! I am fine, I got out and you are with me right now.

Stain: You are just lucky and I want you to know that.

Me: And what if it was not luck but I outsmarted the rat.

Stain: *sigh* 

Me: Well it could be a possibility.

Stain: A very very weak one.

Me: But still there.

Stain: *sigh*

Me: You are starting to sigh like that one hero.

Stain: At least the hero is not a fake.

Me: Sooo what now?

Stain: We are getting back before anyone starts to suspect anything.

Me: You mean Serpant.

Stain: Yes who else than my brother? He will for sure find out about this. He has eyes and ears everywhere.

Me: I thought he retired?

Stain: He did but he is always up to date anyways. Call it his hobby.

Me: Oh shit... you think he will find about UA... and that....

Stain: Let's hope not. Now let's get that paint and the make up down first.

Me: Alright.

Just like that we both went back to where Stain was staying just so I could change back to my villain attire as well as get the make-up down and everything else. It was only at that point that I realized something crutial that I missed and could have slapped and biten my own ass. Who knows maybe I was driving myself crazy after the talk with Stain or I was a really big idiot and that mistake will haunt me back.

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