Ready for the Start

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Finally I was at possition and immediately got rid of the make up on my face and get rid of the really really obvious cloths. I was now up on the railing which was close to the ceiling of the dome and had nothing but metal beneath my feet. I could even see through it since it had holes and was just made to walk on for repairs and probably only for one person and not more as well.

It was enough for what it I was planning on doing. 

Besides I have to say this how are girls doing this? Putting make up on and off each time. It seems like such a waste of time and energy. Took me even soo long to get it off my face and feel refreshed without it again. Damn this was for sure one thing I would never understand nor want to understand at all. I was a boy and I decided I don't need it.

Alright, get the uniform in here and get my weapons out.

Now strap the sword on my back!


I soo love the design of this one.

Stain really has a good taste.

Next is the gun.

Take it out put it to the side.

Put the lense on it. 

And assemble it a bit more




I got everything set up.

I double tapped my earpiece to tell the guys I was in position and ready and then just waited for it to happen. Of course I knew I was way to early there but then again. I also didn't know when it would happen or when the LOV would come.

First thing I definitelly need to do is eliminate Kurogiri. That man could teleport and he is one of the dangerous variables on the villain team as well. I had quite high hopes that besides him, no one else would be dangerous for me since no one on the LOV team should be able to reach me here. 

Where is here?

Well to be precise, I was really really high up and on the side seeing the entrence as well as the main area. From here I could quickly run to any kind of the sections and find a great position from there. My goal was to keep whoever from running away frist so I needed to have a great watch on the front door. My second goal was the LOV and since the heroes come from there that meant that the villains as dramatic as I was sure Shigaraki was one of these guys to do them. 

He was a baby.

A huge one.

Yeah he totally would be the one who would want a dramatic entrance.

I could even bet all my lollies on that.

So if everything goes as planned and as I think would be the most logical thing to do, then I was in an ideal position. If things were to be different then yeah... I would need to move fast.

Still at least I was not wearing something bright yellow anymore. That working clothes were quite something. I knew they were yellow for a reason but right now it was more of a really really dumb thing. You could spot me in this shit like miles away. I was like a damn tiger in a group of domesticated cats. Sticking out like a sore thumb was not what I needed. 

On the other hand my villain clothes were perfect. Mostly black but also mixed a bit red inside. Yes red was once again a color easy to spot but the thing was, I was soo high up and the lighting was right below me that no one would spot something black and red. However that yellow refelcting fabric was definitelly a problem.

Serpant: Usagi, good luck.

Stain: Be vigilant! Don't get careless little bunny.

Me: Who you calling little bunny?! Don't worry I will end this here and today.

I have to be quite honest. This was not how I imagined to debute as a villain. After this everyone will know that someone was here and words of Usagi would wonder around. The villains down there were my witness and they knew only I could pull this off after eliminating a mercenary group and all. Additionally, no one will have a real face behind the name as villains don't snitch that easily if they fear for their own lives.

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