Say what now... since when?

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I did what everyone would do when they were done with their job.... Of course I looked at the scene very proud and if it were me, I would pet my shoulder for this job. This was really good. These people just killed themselves all together instead of letting me kill them. It was a master piece of fear but this was just an appetiser for the real thing. I still had my own goal to go after heroes.

Still once I was done with everything, I just decided to looked it one last time before I skiped down the hallway and out of the building. By now the nightlife at the underground black market was completly operating. Everyeone could see me as I was covered in blood and walked down this path. Oh how I enjoyed the attention and everything that followed.

They made plaze for me, bowed,  looked away some even started whispering Usagi because about right now, my name was spreading around this part fast. Oh I really loved this.

My path to get home towards Serpant was really short. I mean it was basically down the road and then right and down that road and voila I was there.

Now the first thing that I got when entering the shop as well as the home, was Serpant go at me for being this bloody and do not fucking splatter blood everywhere.

Me: What? What you expect me to do?

Serpant: Not get back covered in blood! DON'T YOU DARE WALK IN NOW!

Me: Oh and what should I do else?

Serpant: Take your shoes off first.

Me: Alright, done....

I mean I really knew how much he hated to clean up blood. It would definitelly be a bother because these wodden tiles were really something else. The whole building looked ancient as well and then the inside. I could tell that Serpant was definitelly caring for it a lot.

However this was not the first time I came back bloody and this time he just came to me with a 150L garbage bag, covered me up in it and picked me up carrying me up to the bathroom. Well this was new and it kinda was disturbing and I couldn't help it but definitely tell him about it and my opinion of me being covered in a garbadge bag.

Me: And you had to cover me in that why?

Serpant: Just get a damn bath.

Me: Not before you tell me why you just took a damn garbadge bag as if you wanted to hide a goddamn body.

Serpant: First, everyone would have said that they were not garbadge and second how did you get to that conclusion.

Me: Dunno! How about your past?

Serpant: And I am a merchant now as you know.

Me: Says the one who send me over to Orchid to eliminate them.

Serpant: And as much as I see you didn't use the things I got you.

Me: The old fashion way suit me more besdies they all started running the moment they saw me... any clues?

Serpant: Words about you killing these people spread around. Do you even fucking know that the police found the dead bodies at the meet up place?

Me: Ah I was thinking about that since there was an underground hero around back then.

Serpant: *sigh*

???: Brother, how about letting the kid get his bath first?

Me: Who's that?

I was inside the bathroom and the door was still open. This was how I could hear a males voice coming from around the corner which meant he was in the living room. Now the thing was, I never knew that this guy in front of me had a brother or any kind of family. Up to this point, I even thought it was impossible since he was a mercenary before once as well.

Me: Brother?

Serpant: Wash up and you'll find out.

Now this was the only thing he said before throwing a towel at my face and getting out of the room. I really wish to sometimes throw something at him for just leaving me like that without any information but then again, it wasn't as if I wasn't about to find out soon who he was talking too.


Damn why didn't I thought that he could have a brother at all?

I thought he was a loner...


I wanna know him...

Welp gotta shower first I guess... the blood is starting to dry and this feeling... arg!

Without waisting a second thought about getting to clean myself up, I went into the shower with everything I had on and slowly started stripping while the water was running. This was definitely not how you clean clothes but oh well it was one way or another.

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