Moving on... what failures...

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Of course I went around and looked at the others and honestly heroes in training this generations are just well... how do I put it... let's say shit.

What the heck they thing they are doing?!

I watched this one guy electrocute himself and then go down the sewer.. I mean his braind did for sure. What was that pose he was striking anyways. Thumbs up and being shaky. Yeah he was either completly high or drunk on his own quirk. That wa s such an idiot and I couldn't take it so bang and he was done.

Next one in the team was also quite funny. I mean I watched someone just juck some chockletbar down his throat and then take some cookies out of who knows where they stored them cause I can't see any pockets. Well disguasting! No one wanted this shit and I was soo not gonna take it. Besides someone who can get stronger by eating sweets? What the heck? Did he even ever hear about diabetes?!

Well he and the others around him fell quickly. These people were the ones I quickly found in the first section and thought they were weird. All the others were quite okay. I mean they seemed clueless all together but can't expect much about them since they start being heroes. 

Still they suck.

After going to the next section I was quite stunned to see someone with a frog quirk but there was also Bakugo. So I decided to shot the frog in the water while they were about to escpe from villains and funny enough apparently someone definitelly thought about the devil and called out my name.

Villain: USGAI!


Villain: RUN! RUN!


By now everything was getting soo much more chaotic but the thing is... there was a feamle villain down there and the hero side had this small grapist thing. Ama say thing for a reason because I don't know who he thinks he is but he was actually watching the woman soo badly that I was sure he was stripping her in his thoughts. Gosh and something like that managed to get into UA.... UA was certainly lost. How could they got him into the UA with that kind of attitude? 

I swear...

There is no hope for this hero in training generation anyways.

I am doing the world a favor and cleaning up some shit.

No one can say anything against this.

Now let's leave Bakugo dealing with the villains and move on...

In the next section I had someone soo naked that I was really had to take a double shot. Honlestly it was sucha  nice quirk to be invisible. One point up for Griphendor. Nope this is wrong word and soo old time. Here it is one point for UA after losing one for that grapist back there. But being this naked... dude what the fuck?! Yes it was kinda hard to see them but then again something moving and on the side it is not like invisible through but bending a bit. This was why I saw them and pang down they were.

Next weirdo on the list was actually Endeavors son Shoto Todoroki. I heard soo much about him and I was dissapointed to see him just use Ice and not FIRE! Come on! It's his fucking quirk and here he was refusing it. Like damn! What is wrong with this class?!


This is just getting worse and worse...

What the hell...

It hougth UA was some kind of elite school for creating great heroes.

Then someone explain me what this trash is doing here?

A broken daddy issue boy who can't use complete quirk.

A frog who you basically just picked up from the streets on a rainy day...

Then a grapist...

You get a suger addicted guy...

Some naked invisible person... come one...

I still can't believe that the support course didn't think about anything to get them something.

I thought they can create anything!

What a failure!


Besides what was that with the electricity guy... he electrocuted his damn brain....

How is he supposed to be a hero and catch villains with that?

They all gonna escape the moment he use that..

Fuck that, his life is over the moment that happens... not as if he is still alive.

But what were they thinking taking them into UA class 1A?!

I heard they were the best out of the best!

This is soo disappointing.

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