Precious Information

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We were still in the kitchen and it took a bit of time until this person finally was done with drying my hair off. It sure felt weird having a person do this for me. Never did anyone did this. So I was glad when it was all over and Mic decided to actually get away from me. However what he said next kinda shocked me, because I totally forgot about it.

Mic: So where is your room, little listener?

My room?

Why are you inerrested in my room?

I must have looked quite dumbfounded because in the next moment Mic started laughing a bit and I could still tell that he was awkward. All he wanted to do was distract me as well as not have me sick while they had a dead body to get rid off as well as blood.

Mic: I'll get ya a shirt, kiddo.

Me: Oh. My room is on the upper floor the one at the end of the hallway to your right.

Mic: Alright. You stay here. Ama get it for ya.

Me: I can do th-

Mic: NO! Just stay here for a bit. Kay?

Me: Ahm okay....

You sure don't know what to do at all...

Oh whelp, I can use that time to look around anyways...

So yes please.

Leave me alone.

You starting to annoy me.

Plus keeping this cheery act up is exhausting.


While I was thinking that I smiled sweetly at Mic who left me in the kitchen alone. I kinda felt relieved to be alone and it was the moment he went out that I droped my smile and looked at the doot waiting for a moment. You never know. This dumb idiot of a limelight hero could come back for a stupid reason. So I stayed like this for a while.

After making sure that the coast was clear, I started sneaking to the door like I was used to doing and then listen to what the others say. Thankfully I could hear everything from where I was. There was no need to open the door at all.

Hobo-Hero: Zashi?

Mic: I am getting a shirt for that poor kid.

Hobo-Hero: *sigh*

Mic: How is this one?

Hobo-Hero: Dead.

Caretaker: It is unfortunate but accidents happen.

Hobo-Hero: Did something like this happen in the past?

Caretaker: No but this person is a rather clumsy kid always running around. They must have missed a step.

Mic: Did he have to suffer?

???: No. This kid was dead the moment he hit the floor. They snapped their neck. There was nothing we could do.

Ambulance people, I guess....

But good to know that he was silenced forever.

Damn that kid was annoying.

At least he can't say it was me ever again.

No more blaming me.

No more bullying me more than necessary.

This is what you deserve.

Now rot in hell.

The moment I heared that the kid died, I had such a huge wicked smile on my face and had to even stop myself from chuckling. This was just perfect and the kid also deserved it. They would always come at me and I was certainly not enjoying it at all.

Mic: What are we doing with the kids?

Caretaker: I have one of the staff watch over them in a room for now.

Mic: I have one in the kitchen.

Caretaker: I'll get him to the others.

Mic: Let me first get him a new shirt.

Hobo-Man: *sigh* What did you do?

Mic: Got rid of the spider webs. You saw how scared he was from spiders.

Hobo-Man: Arachnophobia.... you are one to talk.

Mic: No, Sho. I don't like insects, that's all.

Hobo-Man: So you made him stip and helped him out?

Mic: Yes of course and I was dumb and made his shirt wet... soo I am going to get him a new one.

Hobo-Man: Do you know where his room is?

Caretaker: Let me get him a shirt.

Mic: That would be perfect.

You just don't want them to find out that my room is a mess...

I mean I am the only one who has to sleep in a room where only the bed fits in.

Scared they will find it out?

Oh too bad that people will soon find your punishment out.

Just a bit longer.

This night, it will be time.

My dumb stupid shit eating grin evolved into a Cheshire smile and I was really enjoying my situation. Soon after I heard the Head caretaker say that, I also heard her footsteps up the stairs. It was the heals of her shoes which echoed a bit that indicated for me that she was going up to get something for me.

However that wasn't the interresting part but the heroes. The question was, what would they do now? I mean they came to adopt someone and here they were in front of a dead kid. A so called Accident also happened where no one knew that it was me. Even the ambulance staff said that it was an accident.

It was the least to say that I was safe.


Seems like I managed to get away in front of heroes!

I knew heroes were not clever at all.

Just you wait till I make a name for myself.

This will be payback for everyone who looked down on me!

Every single one inlcuding All Might!

I mean the thrill of killing the number 1 hero...


I can't wait for that!

My mind was going off while I started thinking about all kind of different heroes and how to kill them. While I was actually daydreaming, I decided to walk to a window and leave the heroes alone. I had the information that I wanted. There was no need to continue listening to them at all.

Me (whispering): Are you, are you comin' to the tree

At first I started whispering the one song that was stuck in my head and calming me down most of the times. I quite liked it. So after I started whispering the lines, I continued to humming for a while.

Where dead man called out for his love to flee?

Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Now all I could really do was wait for the hero to get me. It wouldn't be wise and in my odds to just walk out of the room and get in trouble after all.

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