Oh what happened?

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I was hiding the entire time until I heard someone yell into the room. It sounded like Present Mic but meh, who was I to care about that. All I had to do right now was focus not to let out that damn cheshire smile I had on my face. It wasn't that easy. Not at all. That damn smirk I had was all over my face.


Oh looks like they found that kid.

I am pretty sure they haven't seen me.

Now questions is... should I get downstairs...

Am I even the only one who is hiding in an upper floar?

Good question.

Slowy and carefully I went out of my hiding spot but there was no one there. That only meant that I was the only one who was actually hiding right here on the floor. This was quite bad for me if they started assuming things. 

I have to get somewhere else!

But how....

Can I get over to the other side through...


I know a way.

There was one way which would take me a bit but I was familiar with it and so I quickly ran up to the atic and then sprinted across the attack to the other side where you could also get up there. After I went down to the same floor but other side of the building, there was actually a fire escape which was leading down to the basement. No one knew this since no one ever goes down to the basement but this fire escape lead down to the ground floor and behind the leader was a hatch which lead down to the basement. This was how I went there and then stopped to catch my breath for a good moment.

Okay now what?

I can't just run up like this.

They will know that I did something.

Just look at my sweat....

Oh but I do know one thing.

Would this work tho....

Now thing was, if I would get up now, they would see that I definitelly did some excercise. That was something I couldn't have at all. So I started looking around. There wasn't really anything at all but a lot of spiders.

There are a lot of spiders...

Should I fake arachnophobia?


At least that would explain how I look right now.


Without thinking twice, I screamed and ran in a direction I knew that something was on the floor. Did I purposely fall over that something on the floor? Yes, very much but I also hurried up the to the ground floor where I meet the heroes who were about to go down. This was all about timing.

Okay good.

Now this explains why I look how I look.

I have the perfect alibi.


It was Mic who saw me first and when he screamed looking a specific spot, I followed the gaze and did the same thing while running a bit further and shutting the door behind me. Now that I made sure that no one could suspect me, I was acting everything out to the fullest.


I was really faking to panic right in front of everything and it was only the other hero who came to my side and got the huge ass spider down. I was definitelly covered in spiderwebs but I didn't quite care at all. This was the perfect plan I did.

Hobo-hero: *sigh* calm down. 


This is soo much fun!

I should have gone for such a kill sooner.

But seriously.... heroes at this palce...

This is fucking awesome!

Now how do I make this drama a lot more entertaining?

Oh I know.

Me: Did you get it off me?

Mic: Yeah, now come here little listener. Let's get out of here.

Me: Mh?

Now looking at Mic, I made sure to look confused as hell. There wasn't much I could have said in this situation after all but look confuse. Not that I didn't know what was going on at all.

Mic: Let's get you clean frist. Where the heck did you even hide?

Me: Basement as you saw. There is a nice wardrobe down there and I hid inside till I saw the spider ant it...

He doesn't even let me see the body!

You big meany!

How dare you!

This is my kill!

I wanted to confirm their death for sure... might also want to see if there is some blood.

A shiver was what I needed right here and that was what I did. I played my role out to the fullest and what I got was pretty much the hero believing me and pitting me. Still this hero made sure that I couldn't turn around nor look past or behind him where the body was. It was really too bad and this made me kinda feel sad.

Me: Did something happen?

Mic: Why would you say that?

Me: Because you both are inside plus you called the game off.

Mic: Nothing serious.

Me: Okay... ahm. You mind if I take the shirt off?

Mic: Oh no. Go ahead. You all covered ins sweat and dust.

Me: Thanks.

Thankfully the weather outside was quite nice and so I decided to just get rid of my shirt which was really covered in webs. On top of that, I made sure to look scared as hell and also trying not to touch it at all. This way I was showing this hero even more how scared of spiders I was. Arachnophobia wasn't something to play with after all.

Mic: It's okay kid. There isn't any spider on you.

I know.

Besides that who would have thought that you don't like spiders....

I wonder if it is all bugs or just spiders.

Mic: How about we go there and I can wipe you down?

Me: Yes please. This... this... it feels so...

Mic: It's fine. Come on.

Just like that we went over to the wall in the backyward close to the entrace which had sink. There was really a sink there for us kids mostly because we get dirty while playing and not to get inside dirty but no one uses it all. Still there was one. 

Once we got there Mic did what he said and whiped my back off while I could do the same with my front and arms. He also got rid of the spiderwebs in my hair. All in all, my plan of having a perfect alibi was done.

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