Finally a job!

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It's been 2 days that I've been down here with Serpant. He was a really nice man but I soon found out why they call him serpant. Even tho he was really a nice man if you anger him, he would come at ya like a viper. It was dangerous to anger him. Saw it with my own eyes yesterday with one costumer who tried to rob him. Yeah not gonna do that but I also learned that he is quite softhearted.

Me: So what do I have to do to get a job around here.

Serpant: Why are you soo eager to have one?

Me: Because I am getting bored.

Serpant: Alright.

Me: YES!

Serpant: Here, this came in this morning.

Me: When. There was no one.

Serpant: These are carried by animals and not people. This is how we stay anonymously.

Me: Oh okay. Why did you get it? I thought you quited.

Serpant: I did but I announced to have a successor. Do not let me down.

Me: I won't.

With that being said he handed me over the letter and I could see a name I would have never guessed on there. Rei Todoroki someone off the Todoroki family. If I was guessing I would have said there would be Enji Todoroki which is Endeavor but Rei... I didn't even know who that was at all.

Me: Who's that?

Serpant: Rei Todoroki?

Me: Yeah. His daughter or something?

Serpant: His wife.

Me: Okay... Any information you have on her?

Serpant: I heard she is in a hospital but other than that no.

Me: That is enough for me.

Serpant: Huh..

Me: Do you have a PC? 

Serpant: Yes. What do you have in mind?

Me: You know how the media loves heroes and all?

Serpant: You will do some digging?

Me: Yup.

Serpant: It's upstairs in the living room.

Me: Alright.

With that being said I went back up to the living room leaving the ground floor which was the shop alone with the owner himself. I was kinda excited for this kill even tho this was basically an easy one. All I had to do was sneak in and give her some medicine which I stole in the hospital and didn't even had to get bloody at all. This really sounded like an easy job so it was a good beginning.

Now let's see what I can find about you Rei...

So you are the wife of Enji Todoroki.... alright I already know that.

It was one of the biggest weddings and they say that there is no love in this relationship but that the hero married her for a quirk marriage.... Wouldn't surprse me honestly.

We are talking about Endeavor so he will do anything to beat his own ego and be better than All Might which is being seen less and less in public strangely.

He isn't my target for now so ama leave it be.

Now let's continue this search...



Someone must have written something about it...

Nope this isn't  it...

This either...

AH There it is.

I was searching the whole net more or less social pages to find any clue on Rei Todoroki or the wife of Enji Todoroki. Needless to say that I wound quite a bit about Shoto Todoroki as well as Touya Todoroki. Then there was a bit about the other two siblings as well. There were soo many rumors going around that it was a bit annoying to read through all of them but in the end I found a name of the hospital and googled it to make sure it was that one. Would you also look at that, the hospital was definitelly one of the lead hospitals for these things and she was in the psychic ward anyways.

Since I now got a name of the hospital and all, I just needed to wait for around midnight to get there and do the thing. This shouldn't be such a problem at all.

After finishing my little research which took me about 3 or 4 hours, I went downstairs to Serpant again. He looked happy reading a book while waiting for customers. His shop was the best in terms of villain gear and costumes around here but it tended to be empty and people would order them with a pick up system.

Serpant: And? You found what you were searching?

Me: Yup.

Serpant: When do you wanna go?

Me: Midnight.

Serpant: Alright, you already have a plan?

Me: Yup.

Serpant: Be careful kid. No one is bailing you out if you get caught.

Me: Didn't expected that so don't worry I won't get caught.

Serpant: Alright but you know the saying.

Me: I know don't worry, if I managed to fake my death then this shouldn't be a problem.

Serpant: If you say so..

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