The day before...

556 37 13

A/N: I am on a different device so I only have this pic on the pc.... well I still think it is nice and better than going without a pic XD Enjoy the kitty :)

After the rest which I was soo forced to take, I finally had the go from Serpant and I had my plan. In the evening, I went to that school and walked around it. It was such a big school but not as big as UA. Then again UA knew my face by now and that rat definitely knew that something was wrong or he wouldn't have let me in. The weirdest thing was that he was actually doing what I wanted to do. Was this because he figured me out or was it because he definitelly fell for it? Who knows but I was sure that that Mickey Mouse knew something or figured out the makeup as well as the hair dye.

Anyways that was not important right now. I was actually walking around the school while being carefull for any CCTV's. In comparison to UA the security was lack and I found a dead zone for the cameras. It was the opportunity that I was looking for to get in. 

I wonder if they will notice someone getting inside?

Doesn't matter!

All I need is to get in and make some security adjustmants. 

Now before ama think about the security and how to turn it off... I should probably get inside.

Why am I talking to myself?

This is my plan!

I can do this!

I will get the dragon down and earn my title as dragon slayer!

This is such an amazing title!

I am soo looking forward to it!

While I was going through my plan in my head, I decided to just hop over the fence and then got to the school where I decided to actually do some lock picking. Did you really think I didn't know how to lock pick? Come on! I am an orphan! Did you really think they wouldn't lock me inside or that they wouldn't  actually decid to lock some areas? Pfff. Joke on you! I learned it after they locked me inside my room for days and didn't let me out at all. Somethings you will learn the hard way and this was one of the things I learned the hard way.

Once inside I made sure not to get any lights open. I mean I did had a flashlight but that wouldn't get me anywhere if somoene actually saw it. So I decided to sneak instead. Now that I was thinking about it. I didn't know what classroom I had to go in, nor did I knew where the principals office was. All I knew was that the dragon hero was working here.


I may or may not should have found out a bit more about this school.

I am pretty sure if I had done some more digging at social media pages one of the students would have said the classroom name or even their teacher name.

Now what?

Where the heck am I even?

Don't tell me I am lost?

Since I had no idea where I was, I started looking around the tags on the doors and then walk through all the different hallways so I knew where and how to escape if I had too. There were a couple of ways and windows I could easily break and get away with but the most interesting part was the vent system because they were pretty big for vent systems. 

After I don't know for how long I walked around, I found the principals office and decided to get inside and then see if I can start the computer up. Of course it was password protected so I quickly just shut it down again. The next thing on the list was to actually go and look for some papers laying around in the damn digital age. Haha joke on me. Not that easy but there was bound to be any kind of paper laying around. 

come on!

There has to be something!

I need a clue!

Just anything!

Let's see here...

Uh papers....

Is there any information I need on it?

It took me a bit but I found some papers and started looking through them which was pretty hard considering that it was dark as hell and I tried to read the papers in the moonlight though the window.


This sounds like a field trip application...

Let's see which class and which teacher.

This might actually be a lot easier.

This is exactly what I need.


Class 1D managed by Ryukyu.

Alright now let's go find class 1D and stay there till the morning.

In the morning ama make sure that hell breaks loose!

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