Are you NUTS?!

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Stain: Cut the crap Crawler! 

Crawler: Aww don't ruin my only source of fun.

Stain: I can also show you how good I am with handeling my katana.

That was all Stain said before taking it out and then licking the blade and pointing it towards Crawler. If anyone didn't know how fast Stain was then there were idiots. Then if anyone didn't know how deadly Stain was then they were even bigger fools which should definitelly not survive. I mean in a world with survival of the fittest they are definitelly not worth keeping alive and would only be some fish food and appetiser for training sessions.

However that was just Stain. I was there as well and my calibre was something else as well. I mean if I get my hands on my weapon it was over for the guy. I did somehow learn unconscious to controll the bloodlust a bit but honestly most of the times it was more a matter of I don't wanna kill a guy because he was more useful to me if he was alive.

Me: Back to the bet because I am soo bored.

Stain: *sigh* 

Crawler: Never thought I would hear you sigh. Also what bet?

Stain: Pick a hero and brief me about him.

Crawler: Any hero?

Stain: Yes.

Me: Yup.

Crawler: In this case, I chose your next victim. I am honored.

Me: Not so sure about that.

Crawler: Or is it for the greenhorn there?

Stain: Just pick one.

Crawler: Fine. Ever heard about the pro-hero Nezu?

Me: ....

Is he serious?


As in the crazy psychotic Mickey Mouse?

That Chucky Cheese Demon?

The one everyeone says not to touch because he is worse than a villain and has more powers?

That one ruling and owning UA where not even the hero commission can do anything against him?

That person?

Stain: There you have your target Usagi. Now go dig a hole of information up yourself.



Did I say that out loud.

I was not supposed to say this out loud. 

Stain: Are you chickening now?

Me: Do you even know who that is?

Stain: How can I not but how do you know?

Me: Oh excuse me?! I lived in an orphanage where everyone dreams of getting into UA and of course everyone knows the owner of it Nezu as well.

Crawler: There is more there is more.

Me: I know that damn Chucky Cheese Demon is not to be trusted.

Stain: A bet is a bet now.

Me: And you chose him because it is impossible to find out about Nezu or what?

Stain: You said you can do it.

Me: Fine! I'll do it but if anything goes wrong you are gonna explain this mess to Serpant.

Stain: Let's hope we never end up in such a situation.

Me: Why? Because we are screwed?

Stain: Exactly.

Crawler: That rat's fur is soo nice and white. I want it!

Stain: *sigh* You have 3 days to find out everything you can.

Crawler: Give me 2.

Me: Give me 1.

Why did I felt like compeeting all of the sudden and said one day where in fact I could need a week or more time to get the informations safely. I mean it's not as if I was a perfect hacker or anything like this. While I was staying with Serpant I started learning and practicing about hacking but how was I now about to actually find information about that rat? Did I really had to break into UA and then snoop around?

Would that be a good idea?!

I don't think it would be a good idea and a place I should be.

Then maybe I really will have to find out where that damn cursed Mickey Mouse lived.

Anyways, no matter how I looked at it, it was just dangerous for me to actually do it and yet I felt eeger to do it anyways disregarding everything.

Stain: Alright. 

Just like that me and Stain got out from that hiding place and then got to walk around for a bit before he basically showed me where he was crashing in and told me I was free to do what I wanted of course the first thing I did was actually ask for some spare clothes which were normal and some hair dry. I needed to make myself look at least a bit different if I was already about to snoop around UA and everything after all.

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