Knowing everything... my business!

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It's not even been a week and I was already soo bored out of my mind. Today me, Serpant and Stain were sitting all together in the living room and had the TV running because at some point I started to spar with Stain and his brother Serpant didn't like it. Something about us destroying the whole interior design and me also hurting his brother quite a bit. Honestly that fact did surprise Stain the most and thanks to his pride he wouldn't let it go and told me to come at him again and again and again. He didn't even think twice about the speed he was taking the fight up to or that I could easily follow him at all. It was quite fun till it lasted. That much was for sure. 

However while we were there watching a movie cause Serpant kinda did order us to fucking sit down and calm our crazy minds down, all of the sudden the movie we started watching was cut shortly and there was an emergency broadcast and the news people were right in front of UA.

Me: Oh look UA.

Serpant: Don't remind me of your stupid idea....

Me: Sorry but I wonder why there are soo many people....

Stain: All Might is a teacher there and I leaked the information out.

Me: But that still doesn't make sense why this is an emergency broadcast if not for something to happen....

Serpant: Which probably did now shut it and let's listen to what they say there.

At first the news started to talk about All Might being there and all but then they also started talking about the alarm going off and that there was this footage which was captured by one of the reporter which shows that someone just broke into UA. After that it was just blah blah blah about the whole security issue and also soo much yada yada yada about All Might being there and them getting a red mark for villains and endangering the students and so on. It was all just a huge get up to actually distract the whole world from other politcal issues that were currently really a hot top such as the high taxes or the tax rice they planned on doing.


Oh the moment I heard them say about everything that happened, I couldn't help it anymore and started laughing soo badly that I managed to fall off the couch. In return to me still laughing soo badly in return Stain and Serpant started laughing as well.

For me it was just funny because I knew exactly what this was all about. Like this was the result of Stain who basically had to cover that I got inside and now they probably gonna thing that I work with that stupid group to get All Might down. This was epic but also soo very funny to see them get caught on camera. How fucking stupid could these people be?

Serpant: Brother....

Stain: You told me to cover it up.


Serpant: Alright, alright. They won't survive for long anyways.

Stain: Are you sure about that?

Serpant: Yes, no matter how much AfO is backing them up they won't survive with how much attention they just got.

Me: AfO?

The moment I heard that name it kinda peaked my interest and I stopped laughing and sat up looking at Serpant and Stain.

Me: Who's AfO?

Stain: All for One.

Me: WAIT! That guy is still alive?

Serpant: Not much since he basically needs medical attention at all times.

Me: Why do you know a lot about him?

Serpant: I made it my job to know everything around the underground.

Me: And you said these people who broke in are his people?

Stain: Yup. I just spread some rumors around and leaked some informations. Never thought that they will pick it up.

Serpant: Be careful brother. As far as I know that one guy is interested in you and you as well Usagi.

Me: Why me?

Stain: You can literally hurt the hero killer with ease....

Me: And? They can't know that.

Serpant: You basically massacred Orchid's heads.... and that hospital coupe?

Me: Still no reason to actually get someone like me into their teams. I am rather new to this after all.

Serpant: That is the thing. As far as I know they are recruiting members rather desperately.

Me: You think they have a plan to attack UA?

Stain: Since they got into it without getting caught... they probably just went to test the waters out.

Me: Oh shit... so there will be a villain attack towards them soon then.

Serpant: Probably. For the time don't get close there at all.

Me: Got it.

Stain: I will bring you with me to the other side of the town once we are allowed to actually get out again.

Serpant: And this time actually teach him something?

Stain: Yeah....


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