Just a child...

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Serpant: *sigh* Get your ass out of there NOW!

Me: Why!

Serpant: What do you mean why?

Me: Exactly what I said. Why?! I am not done here!

Serpant: You did enough. Now come back before something bad happens.

Me: Let me just document everything I did and I will.

Of course I couldn't ignore the worry in his voice. He was angry a moment ago but I knew that he was worried for my sake and angry because of myself as well. It may not look like a good idea for others to do this and release a video about a killed hero, another on the ground struggeling, a hero in trianing which was covered in blood because of the open broken bones you could see and then 2 villains dead as well.... yeah I kinda got his point but then again, this was the best shot we got.

How else should we reach All for One?

How should we make a deal?

How should we tell him that we killed his team but got the information he needed?


There was no other way than this. 

It was the most easiest one!

I knew that Serpant knew this as well but he was worried about the outcome. While this message was for All for One, everyone could see it and with everyone it included heroes, Nezu and the police as well as hero commission. In this moment, I am the most wanted villain there was. 

Of course the police and the heroes were on my way and I knew this too well but there should still be some time to actually get a nice video done.

Serpant: Police and heroes are on the way. 

Me: No shit sherlock.

Stain: Get out of there.

Ohh look who joined us.

Can't blame him for being silent and just listen to the screams earlier...

Me: But!

Stain: I can hear sirens approaching fast and All Might was not in there.

Me: Oh shit... I forgot about him!

Stain: Get out there bunny before he comes in.

Me: Good reminder.

It was soo true, I totally forgot about that hero. Honestly I had no idea how I got to forget him but I apparently kinda did. Additionally it was not good that I did that. He was supposed to here and yet he wasn't here. 


How could I forget about him?!

HE is supposed to be here and he is not!

I have to get out now!

If only I was listening to the bad feeling in my stomach pit but I felt soo good that I forgot about it. This was truly a bad sign. So without thinking twice about it, I started running to get up where my sport bag was. I needed a way out and there was no telling how nor when he was comming. 

While I was on my way to get up and look for any emergency exit or even an exit for actually cleaning the goddamn dome up. One of the walls bursted. I could hear it and especially not ignore the "I am here" that followed. I was now more than screwed and needed some place to hide, anything to get out of there. 

Talking about the devil and he may appear...

What a timing he has....

Why is he even here?

Did he see it?

If not then I have a chance...

I might do this.... but quetion is...

Do I fight or fly?


The moment I heard him call out was when I felt my heart drop for a second before it started beating soo much faster. The adrenaline in my blood was kicking in and I could feel how I was getting more and more allert. 

Stain: SHIT! I am comming.

Me (whispering): I got it covered trust me.

Stain: I-

Me (whispering): Trust me.

Serpant: Give him 10 minutes and then go in.

Stain: Alright.

Serpant: Make it count.

Me (whispering): I will.

Just like that I turned around smiling at All Might and it was soo not making anything better that I was actually wearing a villain costume nor that I was kinda leaving a scene where a lot of people were in the middle and main area on the ground... speaking of obvious. I really couldn't get more obvious than this.

Now let's see....

What should I do with you....

You did caught me red handed....

Now Now....

What will you do...

I am just a child after all....

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