Your brother is WHO?

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I really wonder who his brother is...

Can't be a normal person for sure.

Now let's quickly change into something before getting out.

Maybe he is a mercenary?

Or assassin?

Don't think that his brother is actually working as a normal person and getting in this parts of the underground...

Yeah no...

No normal person would manage to survive even just 15 minutes.


They definitely have to be trained!

My thoughts were all over the place but there was actually one thing that was not bothering me. It was the fact that until that person decided to say something, I didn't even know that they were there. The presence of that person was nearly nonexistent and if I didn't knew it better I would have said they were for aure an assassin or sniper. This just felt like it but also not. I mean now that I knew about them, I definitely could tell that someone was around but before... Nadda nothing.

Me: Alright... Let's get out of here.

When I finally finished with everything, I got out of the bathroom where a spare cloth would always greet me and went straight to the living room. Gosh how it surprised me to see who I saw sitting there ruffling the hair of a certain Serpant.

Noo way!

The smile I had on my face grew stronger and stronger while I was walking towards them to just sit right across them.

Brother: Usagi I assume?

Me: Yup, the please is all mine Stain.

Brother: Hahaha so you know me and atill can sit this relaxed?

A bit of blood lust was sipping out of Stain while was sitting right across me. I knew this was a test and yet I couldn't help and play along releasing my very own bloodlust as well.

Me: Likewise.

Oh hoe much we started staring at each other and how much bloodlust we released. If anyone else would be in the room, it could be for sure said that they would probably be chocking on air and suffocating about now.

Serpant: hahahahahaha

However as much as we started to try and intimidate the other none of us could win since Serpant all of the sudden bursted out laughing his ass off and one could see a tear running down his cheek. This was definitely something which he enjoyed.

The moment we saw that happening we released the bloodlust aura we both spread and looked at the poor man who was nearly chocking and trying to get air while laughing soo badly.

Me: Are you okay?

Stain: Of course you couldn't get yourself a normal kid and you are enjoying this way too much brother.

Serpant: What hahaha should I do?

Me: For the record he didn't get me but I walked in here on my own.

Stain: hahaha That's ehat you think.

Serpant: Brother!

Stain: What? Wanna tell him about your secret organization or about the mercenary guild you yourself have?

Me: You what?

Stain: What you think where your tasks come from?

Me: No way! I thought you were retired?!

Stain: Retirement my ass! He is taking a forceful break right now.

Me: ....

Serpant: He didn't had to know that!

Me: How come? And when the fuck did you wanna tell me that?

Serpant: Never.

Stain: Shielding the kid huh.

Serpant: Oh come on, shut it! You know that the heroes know about my guild but not who is leading it.

Me: So you abandoned it?

Serpant: Not abandoned!

Stain: He sold it.

Me: ... 

Serpant: What?! Don't look at me like that! It was worth quite a lot.

Me: Do I have to watch out for it?

Serpant: Ah no, it's been over a year that I sold it now... I still don't get why you have to actually mention it.

Stain: Because it was built with your sweat and blood and you loved it.

Serpant: I can build a new one any time.

Me: Okay this sound as if you build a couple and changing them like pair of shoes as well.

Stain: Hahaha 

Serpant: ...

Stain: Tell him.

Serpant: ...

Stain: Should I?

Serpant: No.

Me: Tell me what?

Stain: It's the 13th he created.

Me: Say what?

Stain: Oh it get's even better! Tell him what happened to them.

I didn't know what was going on but it was for sure that Stain was enjoying teasing his brother. Just by seeing this I was sure he was the older brother out of them.

Serpant: I am not doing it anymore.

Stain: Oh but you loved watching them get caught by heroes and tripping them off the moment you sold them.

Serpant: Not doing this again.

Stain: Oh and what about Orchid?

Me: WAIT A MINUTE! Orchid was yours?

Serpant: Not anymore. Not for the past 5 years where it changed a lot.

Me: ....

I was soo speachless to hear that. It apparently was quite a hobby of him not only to create these guilds but to trip them off and sell information about them to watch heroes do their work and get them behind bars the moment they go against one of his rules. Well that was the gist of it anywas and apparently he had a long term grudge against orchid and that organisation managed to bribe some certain heroes which his brother then went after. Wow that was indeed a complete mind blowing realisation.

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