My mind is the best!

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Thirteen: A SNIPER!

Eraserhead: It's the least of our problems!

Thirteen: Shit!

Me: Shit indeed!

I knew they couldn't hear me but I was enjoying this quite a lot and besides it was their turn next. Even Erasserheads turn but I had a bit fun watching this thing mutilate him. All the blood, all the pain and all the chaos. I had to say, I really enjoyed this. No matter how bad the scene was down below, I really enjoyed watching it from my position.

Me: Now let's see... where should I hit you...

The head since good but your quirk is a bit of a problem if I hit you elsewhere....

Whelp a fast death for you as well.

Another hit and Thirteen went down. The next thing I kno was that the thing stopped hitting Eraserhead and instead started looking around. This was bad. Even for an abomination of nature it seemed to work on pure instincts and right now he was my next target. I think he knew that as well because he was now backing away looking around frantically. Yes, continue doing that but it wouldn't help it no matter what it would do. Then it hit me. It walked on tw feet, it had more than just one quirk... and the way the skeleton and the proportion of its body were... it all made sense all of the suden.

Me: A human....

No way!

What did they do to this person?!

But I am not wrong!

The way it moves... the way it looks... it has to be a human.

Around now the thing was panicking more and more. For some reason I felt pity towards it and decided to end it's misery. Who knows what that person went through to get to be that. I mean I could only imagine that they needed to go through soo much pain to transform and then to just lose everything. Nothing in this thing was telling me that it was a human besides the patterns on how it behaves, moves, attacks. It was not animalistic but human like still I wouldn't call it a human as well since it was definitelly acting on instincs. There was nothing left of the person inside of it anymore, no emotions, no thoughts, no memories nothing but a pure brainless creature.

With one clean shot, I ended it's life. It was quite a good one as well. I hit the brain of this thing and decide to go at it and empty my magazin on it just to be safe that it was more than just dead. I mean I did had quite a lot with me anyways, emtying one wasn't that big of a deal.


Can't believe it is still standing...


I just emptied a magazin of bullets....

You know what...

If it wanna stand then so be it...

But let me get ready for the next couple of people...

This was the moment I turned away to get ready and also refile my gun so I could continue. By now I knew I had a lot of key elemts in this fight down. There was nothing that could stop me now from getting away with this but Eraserhead... I don't know why but I wanted to let him live and know that the kid he saw in that orphanage was also that kid who ended his class. For some reason that idea popped up in my mind and then the scenary was playing full on as well and I smiled yet again. 

I just liked it.

You know...

Nothing I could say against a nice dramatic ending.

For now however, there was no way this hero could move a muscle after getting hit soo many times and being this bloody on the ground. He was lucky that he was still alive.

Now where should I go look for people first...

Ah how about there... and then clockwise..

Sounds like a plan.

After this I need to head down and talk to the hero... and of course let Bakugo be there and just... Yeah...

Maybe get Bakugo and Eraserhead in the same area.....

If I can...


Let's focus.

Let's do this!

I will have my fun at least as well!

I packed my things, meaning I just grabbed the last spare magazin and left the sportbag there. There was no need to actually pull dead weight with me. So I was sure to leave it behind. Nothing could ty it down to me besides I was sure to let them know who was in charge of all the killing here anyways. 

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