I pass!

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???: Nothing much...

Okay this is more than sus what's goin on now?

Does he want something from me?

He can't know about my quirk.

But he definitelly is enjoying this.

While I was thinking and observing the man who was looking me up, I decided to walk towards the man. This could be dangerous but right now with the dagger in my hands, I could see a couple, no at least 20 ways on how I could kill this man. There were a lot of openings and that was only telling me that he wanted something from me and leaving his guard down.

Me: Oh really? Why did you decide to talk to me then?

???: I saw what you did.

Me: And?

???: My guild always need a traine like you.

Me: Traine?

???: Yes.

The closer I got the more I could smell it. There was this smell of blood. It was that irony smell that I was really fond of coming from the man right in front of me. That alone told me a lot. This guy whoever it was, was definitelly not normal. He might even be a seriel killer fro all I know.


He looks pretty decent.

If he was a seriel killer than I believe he wouldn't look like this.

Oh how money can buy you anything.



From just looking at the man I could tell he had a lot of money since he was wearing some things that I could immediately recognize to be expensive. This however also meant that whoever this man is with that behaviour he was scouting for talents. Something was really bugging me by the way this guy was looking at me. It was as if he was looking down at me and I didn't liked it at all.

Me: Who you calling traine?

???: HAHAHAH You are obviously new t-

Before he could say more I was already soo close to the mans throught that not only was I drawing blood but I was also look the man direktly in his eyes. He was playing around with me and that was something I really hated. If anything he should be scared or watch his back and not kid around. I may be young and everything but I was not dumb at all.

Me: Say that again.

I could see my eyes reflecting in his own and I had there was a dangerous glitter in them not only that but I saw the mans face get pale. It was now that he knew in what situation he was exactly.

???: How *gulp* How about we talk this out.

Me: Fine with me but don't mees around.

Just like that I took the knife away and looked at the man once again. He now looked really unconfortable but this much had to be done or he would have made fun of me. I just had to make sure to show them my true power or this whole talk could go against my favors. Now that I scared him, I knew exactly where I was standing in our discussion.

Me: So what did you say about traine?

???: Hahahaha you sure are not new to this.

Me: No.

???: The group I am working for is scouting new people.

Me: Mercenary?

???: You have a keen eye.

Me: You reek of blood.

???: That much? My wife will hate me.

Me: No but enough to know it.

???: I see...

Me: Anyways get to your point.

???: Are you interrested to join us?

Me: Depends who is us and how much will I get?

???: Orchid and that depends on your skills.

Me: Skills?

???: I am not the boss there jus someone who was hired to get more people inside.

Me: I see... Whelp I am not interrested.

I might need money but I was certainly not a fool to go and be part of who knows what to get my hands on some fine money. Besides I wouldn't have the freedom which I wanted and leaving a mercenary group was never easy too. To put it bluntly, it wasn't worth risking my life.

???: WAIT! You got some serioues skills kid. Why not join? You won't last out there long without someone backing you out.

Me: Then watch me do it!

Just like that I walked off from that man. There was more than just this way to earn money and if they dared to go after me they would only loose some of their members. Of course that was something I knew but they themselves don't. For now I just had to walk around and look and see if there was something like a job board around. I mean how else would you kill someone anonymously if not like this?

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