I can help in my own way!

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Me: What do you have in mind then?

Serpant: We work as a family, as a team.

Me: I don't like this.

Serpant: Oh don't worry, I am too old to be in the sport light besdies all I can do is make sure you have a safe exit route.

Me: Alright.

Serpant: Then there is our brother Stain. He will more than just happily agree to be there as a backup in case things get wrong. 

Me: So you two want to be close in case things don't go as planned?

Serpant: Yes. 

Me: Mh...

Serpant: Now for the entrance... I prepared some things.

Me: When did you had the time to do so?

Serpant: While you were sleeping I went to check all my weapons and here you go.

Before me was a gun which was also a knife. It was definitelly usefull in close combat and could be a game changer when used propperly. Not only that but I could instantly see that the material the blade was made out off was really expensive. Heck I would even bet that this was a one in a kind weapon.

Where are you even getting these?

Why is it even green?


That is some kind of coating... isn't it?

Serpant: I see special coating already caught your eyes

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Serpant: I see special coating already caught your eyes.

Me: Special... What's special on it?

Serpant: It's poison lazed.

Me: WHAT?!

Serpant: Relax! This is a special poison which only reacts with fresh blood. So for example if you cut someone with the blade they get infected and it is a very slow poison expect when your opponent is moving a lot which it will in a fight.

Me: What makes it safe to use then?

Serpant: This.

With that he gave me something that looked like a contianer for pills. It didn't even look like that but it was exactly that and the pills inside were all black. Now if that didn't looked suspicious, I don't know what did. However, I trusted Serpant on more than just a level of him being the man who gets my weapons so I wasn't for sure talking back about this since it was obvious that this was the antidote.

Me: For how long does this last?

Serpant: A day. You take it in before you go to the attack and it will last ya 24 hours. 

Me: Got it.

Serpant: The next thing is this.

I really don't know where he was getting the weapons from but he had it all. Two new daggers were in front of me and they looked quite nice with the blood like blade. Looking at them again, I was a bit shocked cause it really looked as if it was bleeding. It even made me touch it because I couldn't believe this was metal. Turns out it was not metal at all.

Serpant: This is something called a bleeding rock

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Serpant: This is something called a bleeding rock.

Me: Bleeding rock? So not metall?

Serpant: No but it is also very durable and it is sharper than any kind of metal.

Me: Alright.... sounds promising.

Serpant: I knew you would say this.

Me: Just one question.

Serpant: Shoot?

Me: Where are you pulling these weapons out from? We are right here in the living room and the table is decked with plates and where the hell are you getting them? And don't tell me you are pulling them out of thin air?

Serpant: No, no. I have a bag right next to me.

Me: Huh...

Serpant: Which gets us to the next thing. This is from my brother. He said you need a sword in case everything goes wrong.

It was really something out of a chinese history movie. Honestly just seeing this sword made me think about the times back around... who knows a coupld of hundret years ago before all the guns were invented and used. This was insane but soo beautiful at the same time.

 This was insane but soo beautiful at the same time

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Serpant: You like it?

Me: It looks cool but also old.

Serpant: It is. This sword has a lot of history.

Me: And probably a name huh?

Serpant: Indeed. It was called Bloodthirsty dragon.

Me: I see how they call it dragon but bloodthirsty?

Serpant: I don't wanna bore you with all the details just know that it has an insane amount of a kill count which could be around a million or more.

Me: Uhhhh.

Serpant: And lastly this will be your new villain outfit.

Serpant: And lastly this will be your new villain outfit

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Me: I like the stripes a lot.

Serpant: Oh this is the least you will enjoy on it. The material is fire proof, electricity and acid proof. The boots are made so that you can jump from a high place and they will absorbe the shock. Then your gloves are cut proof as well.

Me: You really put a lot of thoughts into this and since when do you have it?

Serpant: I let it be made in case... well I thought one day you will need it.

Me: Mh.... thanks.

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