*sigh*... I kinda get it...

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I am soo out of breath thanks to the run!


Just why did I had to run into Eraserhead....

I didn't do anything that he should pop up!

I entered my sweet home, a store in the underground and immedately went up to the living area. Did I actually look around nope. Did I see Stain there... double nope. However I got a reality fact check when I got hug tackled by Stain and kinda thrown up into the air. He looked happy and I was just confused as fuck.

Me: Wha- Stop! put me down!

Stain: Nope.

Me: Then stop twirling me!!!


Me: How are you even here? I thought you are fighting Eraserhead?

Stain: HAHAHAHA you really think I would kill him this easily? 

Me: Yes.

It was only now that he put me down and I decid to slumb down and just sit there on the ground having the sport bag still strapped around my back and just sigh. This time it was a relieve sigh since Stain was here and nothing happened to him. I could never forgive myself if I screwed up this badly and let my own brother get imprissoned.

Stain: Soo why did you run away from him?

Me: Huh?

Stain of course came down croaching to be on my eye level and he was still smiling friendly. Of course he was curious but behind his smile was worry. He may think I screwed up or he thought that something happened on my way for me to run. Eitherway, I could tell he was thinking about something much much worse than what really happened.

Me: Saw him and just bocked. He ran after me for no good damn reasons! Can you actually believe that?

Stain: You saw him and ran?

Me: Yeah. What was I supposed to do?

Stain: ... do you know him?

Me: He knows me from my orphanage days.

I don't remember if I ever told them that I was an orphan or what really happened but that was not important. They themselves had backstories that I didn't know about and you know what? No one was actually picking the secrets and trying to force anyone to tell them what happened. This was one of the iggest things I appreciated about them. They would accept things as I said them no question asked if it was not actually making them worry or it would endanger us.

Serpant: *sigh* 

Me: Ahm hi there... I am back?

Serpant: Too late. 

Me: Come to think about it... why were you there Stain?

Serpant: I sent him to look after you.

Me: Why?

Serpant: After 2 hours of you not beeing back... of course I would send someone to check on you!

Me: I was fine.

Stain: You call being nearly caught fine?

Me: Okay... I had shit luck after finishing what I went out for.

Serpant: So you got everything ready?

Me: Yup.

Serpant came walking over at some point and stopped standing behind Stain whow as still coraching looking at me. I was just too done and exhaused. I swear to god, I didn't need any gym to get in shaped, all it would take was a damn hero at your ass screaming stop right there. Best excercise ever and best way to get a heart attack as well.

Serpant: Did he see you?

Me: No, I ran immediately when I saw him.

Stain: And he ran after you?

Me: Yup. I don't get why tho...

Serpant: I have a reason.

Stain: Same.

Me: Oh really what reason?

Stain: How about a kid walking outside no school unform while it is school time?

Me: I could be running late... you know?

Stain: Looking like that... nah.

Serpant: And I give you another reason.

Me: Which would be?

Serpant: Eraserhead is known to be pretty engaging when it comes to kids being harased, abused or hurt. You fit the bill bunny.

Me: I am not a bunny.

Stain: Pfffff-

Me: And no. Why should I fit the bill?!

Serpant: Look at yourself in the mirror.

Me: Still no.

Well to be honest, I did get the gist of it. I was wearing all black, had a hoody on which was too big, then a hood over my head from the hoody to actually try to hide... yeah, I gotta say, I looked pretty suspicious. No doubt about that. BUT! It was not giving the hero any reasons to run after me like a goddamn maniac with a knide. I fucking ran for my life!

Serpant: You look beat... how about getting some rest first?

Me: Mh! Good idea.

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