The true reason behind the visit!

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While I heard stories about the organisation Serpant build up and then ruined, I couldn't stop wondering why Stain was here. I mean they were brothers and all but up until now, I haven't seen him around and the reason I was staying here was to actually watch the house just to be safe. Knowing that meant that Stain was not visiting often but then that made the importance of the question a lot higher. I just wanted to know why.

Stain: So how is life going on?

Serpant: As you see quite good.

Stain: I heard what happened to the other store down the road.

Serpant: That was all Usagi over there.

Me: I have a question.

Fuck being rude right now, I just had to know the answer to this mystery. No matter how hard I was thinking about it, it didn't made any sense to me at all. Now why again was he here. Was he here because of his brother? Or did he need help with something? Maybe information or perhapse Serpant called him over for something. There were quite the possibilities open and I really couldn't wrap my mind about a single one. 

Serpant: What's up?

Me: Why is he here?

Serpant: Oh yeah you wouldn't know that since you came in later.

Stain: And you still never tell people I am your brother.

Serpant: Why should I? My business wouldn't flourish like it is now if people knew you are my brother. Besides you know as well as me that people would be scared if they knew that. You are the type of brother who is going after the people who hurt me after all.

Stain: As if you don't do the same.

Serpant: Touche.

Me: Aham....

Stain: I am here because I heard that my brothere here took in a stray rabbit.

Me: A rabbit?

Serpant: He means you.

Me: OH!

Stain: Hahahahaha

Who can blame me for not getting that reference immediately? I mean I haven't slept a lot recently. Besides it was also pretty late as well or pretty damn early however people wanted to take it up. I myself was for too early so I would gladly go to bed and just sleep a bit out. However curiosity kills the cat and my curiosity wouldn't let me go to sleep in peace right now.

Me: Soo why is he here again?

Stain: I heard my brother took you in and then I heard about what you did. 

Serpant: Just get to the point he seems quite sleepy.

Stain: Alright, I wanted to take you with me for a couple of weeks.

Me: Hero hunting?

Stain: More like police hunting for you but yes.

Me: Why police?

Stain: I am a hero killer but there are some police officers who are bribed by villains.

Serpant: How many of them?

Stain: I know about 17 people.

Serpant: And you are sure about that?

Stain: Yes and normally you would do the job since you got the cop killer reputation and a lot more.... but since you basically retired of doing that...

Serpant: I am but I also think that this might be a bit risky for Uasgi.

Stain: I will take care of him.

Serpant: Promise.

Stain: Sounds as if you basically adopted him. You act like you are his father.

Me: What?

Serpant: Not true!

Stain: Well whatever you want to believe brother.

Serpant: *sigh*

Me: So you want me to kill some people?

Serpant: After what you did with the hospital I don't think you are fit for this?

Me: WHY?!

Stain: Wait... that was him?

Me: Yup.

Stain: ... I will watch over him, don't worry.

Serpant: I am not worried about him.

Stain: I know....that is why I said don't worry.

Why does it sound as if they think ama go on a murder spree and kill each and every single person?

Come on... I am not that bad!

Yes I went overboard at the hospital but only because I was soo bored and it was my first mission.

It's all about first impressions anyways....

I don't get them!

What's bad with some corrupt cops?

Me(mubling unconsciously in whispering manner ): I mean just kill them and the higher up, clean the space up and done!

Serpant: USAGI!

Me: Huh?

Stain: You are not cleaing up the space.

Me: Did I start mumbling?

Serpant: Yes. Now brother you sure you want to take him with you?

Stain: He needs to learn the ways around sooner or later. You can't just babysit him down here in the underground and give him just assassination or mercenary work.

Serpant: I know that but he isn't ready yet.

Stain: He will never be if you don't let him go.

Serpant: FINE! I am counting on you and make sure he doesn't kill off everyone.

Stain: I promise.

Serpant: Now Usagi, go get some sleep.

He didn't had to tell me that twice. Since normally I would sleep on the couch and Stain was here, I thought that he would take the guest room but Serpant did made a motion for me to go there and rest really good. I mean I did prefer the couch over a bed but oh well. Now was certainly not the time to argue at all.

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