A monster to fear!

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When I finally got to the floor where I thought thr heads behind this organisation would be, I found myself standing in front of a very VERY fancy door. Not gonna lie but who makes a door like this? There were dragons all around the door and then flowers as well and the most important part was that the poor dragon was basically drowning in Orchid flowers.

Yeah this was definitely my final stage and the end of tonights field trip. I could feel it but little did I know what would await me in that room.

So the moment I opened the room, the people were bowing down to me and not even looking up while I had still one dead member in my hand. This felt a bit bizarre but it also felt nice. Seeing as there was no need to drag that thing around anymore, I just dropped it from my hands and went to sit down first. No matter what I would do there was no escape from me anyways.

Me: Sooo?

Head 1: We surrender.

Me: After you lots went after me, you think you can surrender this easily?


And you think ama let this slide...


Go through hell!

Head 2: Take it! Take everything but please spare us.

For some reason these people even if they were a lot older and also had more muscles than me were actually shivering in fear and they were panicking soo much that their words started to overthrow themselves but it was not hard to make out what they wanted to say the least.

Me: Nooo.... I came here for a reason.

Head 5: We will serve you like loyal dogs! PLEASE SPARE US!


That is something else...

Maybe I should spare them but...

Just thinking about how nice it would be to have a loyal dog was making me smile but then there was this catch. They were ready to abandone their pride this quickly. How loyal would these dogs really be if it would come ot a life or death situation. In fact I was pretty sure that they would abandone me in an instant without thinking twice. 

Now why should I need to have such a risk at my side?

Simple.... I don't!

So the more I started thinking about betrayal the more I started to feel agitated and angry at them. It was not needed to say that I grabbed my throwing knife and instantly killed that person suggesting that. The knife was quite nice and thin and had a pretty good feeling in my hand. Needless to say that I could just throw that thing withou much effort and to top it off, it landed in the head of the person right between the eyes.

Me: Anyone has another suggestion?

By now it was more than clear that there was no escape no matter what I would say.

Even dogs understand their situation.... I can see that from all of you..

Now should I give them a chance?

Ah why not?

Seems fun anyways!

Me: I will give you a choice.

Just by the mentioning of the word choice they all looked up at me for the very first time but their hopes sure were shattered the moment I continued to speak.

Me: Either you end your own life or I will do it for you! Now what will it be?

Did they really thought that I would let them live? 

How foolish!


But the looks in their faces!

Gorgeous and priceless!

There was no need to say that I was smiling like a crazy idiot enjoying this situation. This was really the highlight of the day. The previous fights were boring but this was worth it. Just looking at them looking at each other trying to think of a way to escape from a monster in front of them.

To my delight, I watched the people choose the first choice I gave them. It was probably because of the dead body  or should I say body part? Whelp I dragged it into the room and was completely covered in blood. By now my damn Cheshire smile was also not erasable from my face and the killing intent I was seeping out was also something else.

One by one they took out their guns and shot themselves in the head. A quick and painless dead indeed. If it would be me then I would have started off with pealing off their nails for an appetiser then go ahead and break every single bone in their body just to cut their stomach open and make them watch how I would take out their ograns one by one till they die because of the bloodloss.

Oh it would have been quite the fun but this was also fine by me since the job was finished and I could finally get the blood off me. Besides that it was about time to get a cup of tea anyways.

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