Look at that! PRAIS ME!

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I was really happy. Call me crazy but I really was happy having this head in my hand. Not only that but I couldn't stop humming until I started singing it out loud. Well can you blame me? I really enjoyed this song plus I got it suck in my head for days.

Me: Are you, are you comin' to the tree?

People were looking at me and I didn't even care at all. I was soo proud that I even wanted to hear them praise me for what I did. This was pretty easy and I wanted more. If I could I could have killed everyone.

Me: Where they strung up a man, they say who murdered three

It was only a question of time until I was set free and lose to the world. I was more than ready and I was for sure working the past couple of years to get a name for myself out there. I really needed this. Why? Well first off, fun. Second off, they all laughed at me for everything. 

Me: Strange things did happen here, no stranger would it be

They really hated me. Everyone who looked at me and knew my quirk or the me who acted pathetic was just sickening. I really wanted to kill everyone who looked at me for pity or hate or despite of my own quirk. I was my own person and I hated anyone who was looking at me differently.

Me: If we met at midnight in the hanging tree

Just a small percantage of people knew that a true villain was never born at all. They were created from the spite of people or the despair for life. In my case it was more hate towards the world and everything else. I was wrong my whole life so why should I be nice to them? They wanted a villain and who was I to say no? So here I was.

Me: Are you, are you comin' to the tree

Now I was nearly by the shop and I really should have stopped but meh. Whatever happens happens right. I can't forsee everything but I sure can see that people were making a huge round around me. They were scared and I could tell this much. However I just had fun with all this.

Me: Where the dead man called out for his love to flee?

That was all I could get out before I was standing right in front of the shop. With a knock on the door, I ented the shop and immediately bowed before the owner but I couldn't help but laugh. This was really fun. What should I say. I had my own fun right now.

Me: I came back.

Owner: You look quite happy.

Me: Sure am. Here you go.

Owner: DON'T!

Me: huh?

Owner: Don't throw the head or you gonna splash the blood everywhere.

Me: Ohhh sorry.

Owner: So you really did it.

Me: Is the blood on me nor proof enough or the head?

Owner: *sigh* Get yourself a bath kid.

Me: Where?

Owner: Up the stairs behind me and to your left.

Me: ... 

Owner: I'll bring you your cloths so start going.

Me: Why should I trust you?

Owner: How about I gave you the daggers and you know my qurik but I don't know a thing about you other than you could kill me in seconds.

Me: True that...

Owner: Now go on and get a refreshing bath child.

Me: Don't call me child.

Owner: What else?

Me: Anything but that.

Owner: Usagi it is then small little bunny.

Me: HEY!


I looked at the man who took the head from me and I really wanted to just punch him for calling me a bunny but he for some reason cared for me and call me stupid or crazy but I could see that. The reason behind it was a mystery but that was a fact for sure.

Owner: You done great job kid.

This was the last thing he said before ruffling my hair and ushing me to get up to get a bath. True to be told, I really needed a bath right now and I would fur sure take the offer up. So in the end I agreed and just went up but I did carry the blades with me just in case this was a trick. Never trust anyone after all!

Still I felt happy that he prais me even tho the last thing he said was more like a whisper.

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