Never judge a book by the cover!

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I couldn't really quite believe it when he came back and kinda started to fill up the whole table in the living room. There was not really a dining area besides the living room. It was just something about this appartment or living space or however you want to call it that makes it really comfy and everything. Don't know what it was abut no matter how small or big, it felt just the right size and everything felt just normal and as if it belonged there. It might also just be me who accustomed to all this but still.... I can't imagine anything else besides this anymore. 

Serpant: Dig in.

Me: Thanks.

Serpant: Just eat how much you can. 

Me: Why did you dooo much tho?

Serpant: No reason.

Sooo.... cooking can get your head free huh...

Can't really say something against it. 

It smells and looks soo delicious.

This is Serpant!

This is just how he is.... always nice to the right people.


I feel like he is becoming family more and more. 

There is no way he can't feel it too.

I didn't wanted this at the beginning tho...

What if something happens to him?

What if people go after him because of me?

I can't risk that!

A short moment of inner conversation later and I knew that I couldn't risk anyone to hurt Serpant or Stain. They somewhat became family to me. I would have never thought that I would take that word into my mouth ever again. After everything in life that happened, after being an orphan, I just kinda gave up on the thought of having someone to call family and just be there for them, having someone to rely on and back you up no matter how stupid the idea was. 


This was somewhat of a lost pipe dream I had. 

Who would have even thought that I would find a family here, in this place!

Me: Thank you.

Serpant: For what?

Me: Everything.

Serpant: Why are you thanking me? It's pretty normal.

Me: No... no....

Serpant: Alright but stop just looking at the food like that and dig in.

Just for a short while I got a bit sentimental. It kinda just got to me with everything going on and especially what was about to go donw. Like I want to tackle All for One, I want to bring down some heroes and just be like Stain, then again, I kinda want to shift the balance. How things are going on, everything will just go to ruin. There is not really anything that is stopping anyone from becoming a villain. People are called villainous because of their quirks and everyone can become a hero just to be called hero in name. This was not a world I wanted to live in. Heck I even despised this world soo much. 

Call it a payback for what I needed to endure all my life.

Life wasn't fair at all!

Besides that, I could have become a hero if anyone had given me the chance and not immediately casted me out and called me a villain just because of my quirk. A quirk doesn't define the person and yet here everyone is judging me just upon it. Was this fair? No. Was this how you create a villain? Yes and everyone down here knew this as well. There were just a couple of villains here who were psychopaths or sociopaths, some mentally ill and some were just here for the thrill. Everyone had a rough life. No one was without it. 


There is one thing we all had in common.

We hated this unfair treatment!

Serpant: How you like it?

Me: Amzing! Where did you even learn to cook?

Serpant: I worked at a lokal restaurant for a short while...

Me: You... in a restaurant?

Serpant: Well there were times I hid myself and what better than to have a normal job?

Me: ....

Serpant: Now eat up. We can talk about anything after you finished up.

Me: MH!

This food was amazing. If he had told me he had a cooking quirk then I would have believed him but this was just wow! Not gonna lie, he didn't looked like the guy who could cook this much and we only had like the same dish every other or third day. So I thought he only knew how to cook these and make cereals in the morning. But Huh... never judge a book by the cover....

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