Two birds with one stone!

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I absolutely loved what he showed me and it was also right after that, that I decided to stand up and get changed into the costume just to see how it would fit me. No doubt about it, no matter what Serpant was picking out, the stuff would always be in terms of a gamer ranking something about SSS ranked or even legendary ranked. This was great stuff and I loved it. 

Of course once he saw me, he made a picture of me and I knew it no matter how much he was denying it. For sure he send that one to Stain. It was just a hunch but I was for sure that it was the truth. 

Anyways, after the table was cleaned, I got the laptop over and some paper and pen and started noting stuff down. It was not hard to get the USJ building blueplan and it was also helping to have a second head thinking with me about everything. Not as if I couldn't do it on my own but if he already insisted on helping then so be it. I don't plan on getting caught nor do I plan on getting them into trouble.

Me: I was thinking to get through this little vent system into the building and somewhat to the construction close to the rooftop where the light was hanging.

Serpant: This won't do.

Me: Why not?

Serpant: I am sure there will be some security in place in case anyone would want to get in there like you.

Me: How come? This is really a tight space and not anyone can pull this off. I have the advantage of being small and even then there is still the chance that it could be too small even for me.

Serpant: No. I know Nezu. He would never let a building be constructed this poorly.

Me: So you think it is boogy trapped?

Serpant: Not think, I know it.

Me: Oh great.

Serpant: How about this then. If you go to the right there is a back door. An emergency one.

Me: No, too risky. He might have secruity there as in some crazy laser things and a camera. I heard UA had them and I saw hints on the fence of UA.

Serpant: You think?

Me: Mh.

Serpant: Then how else you wanna enter?

Me: How about through the roof? It is all made of metal, right? You think I can actually melt through it?

Serpant: Would take too long.

Me: So I need to try and get in with the kids?

Serpant: SAY WHAT NOW?!

Me: Hey, they are the same age as me and I am sure I can get in while they are.

Serpant: Are you an idiot?

Me: No and I was just joking. Relax.

Serpant: Not funny.

Me: Pfff- but your facial expression is.

Serpant: Focus Usagi. How do you plan on pulling this off?

Me: The easiest way would be being with the LOV but I don't want that. I want to eliminate any kind of threat plus it is not my style to kill people like that so they will not think it was me.

Serpant: Which is why I gave you that gun but the long range one is a different story. 

Me: Mh.

Serpant: Then what about this?

He pointed at something I haven't quite looked into yet. It was a section of the USJ which was not finished. From what I could tell it was still under construction but it wouldn't be hindering anyone there. However he did bring me to an excellent idea. I knew what he thought was about to destroy the wall there and get in but that was too risky as well.

Me: This place is good but not through the wall.

Serpant: Too risky ey?

Me: Yes but what do you think about getting in as a security inspection right before they go in?

Serpant: Might work but where are you getting the uniform?

Me: You think you can get me some or do I need to hunt somone down?

Serpant: Go hunt. You need some excercise and I would rather people don't think we are helping you.

Me: Safety, I get it and I like it. I really do need some excercise.

Now that we had a plan set, Serpant let me alone to study the plan and create a solid one as well. First I had to find who was working there and in charge of the secrutiy. Next I needed to fake a notice and hack into the system. Easier done than said but it was a lot easier finding out who the head of security inspection was. Since I was not really a hacker genius, I decided to use the chance and pay that guy a visit. He would be more than willing to distribute some fake information for me plus I would get my uniform as well. Killing two birds with one stone.

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