What a mistake

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Who would have thought that after the heroes left that, the head caretaker would actually summon me in her office. Oh come on. Did she really think that I would just go there and be the one getting beaten up? It was quite obvious what she wanted to do too. I was soo sure that this woman was up to no good. Why should she even summon me? There was absolutelly no need for that.

Yet here I was in front of her office just hours later after the heroes left.

Should I kill her?

Maybe I should just pretend to be dumb?

Why should I tho.

She will be done if she even touches me.


I seriously can't stand her anymore at all!

She will only scream at me again.


As if that will help her!!!

Tonight should be the time!

I really can't stand this hell hole anymore.

As I was standing there for a brief moment, I collected my thought and put on my inocent mask back on my face before I knocked at her door. Just a few seconds later, she answered with a "come in!". That was excatly what I did before bowing poletly.

Me: You called.

Head Caretaker: Ah yes.

Me: How can I help?

Head Caretaker: I am sure, I told you to hide and not come out.

Me: I am sorry.

There was no need to deny nor tell her why. I got caught being curious and that was it. Should I really be in trouble for that? I mean I was still a part of this  damn orphanage and a child in need of a family theroretically. In reality I just wanted to be free and didn't needed a family at all. Who cared about a loving home when they can be free and do as well as kill as many people as they want?

Head Caretaker: Sorry? Is this all you can say?

Me: I made a grave mistake.

Head Caretaker: Mistake?! IS THIS A JOKE TO YOU? 

Before I knew it something hit me. It was the mug of this person what just shattered on the the ground. Why? Well, this person had the nerves to actually throw that thing at my head. Of coures it would shatter and of course I was bleeding. However the moment I saw the blood dropping down right in front of my eyes, even though it were just a couple of blood drops it was enough.


Head Caretaker: Huh?

I put my hand over my eyes covering them and then stroking the bangs I had ways from my face as well as wipe the blood from my forehead away a bit. Now I looking at her once I stopped laughing and didn't care about what I was about to do next anymore.

Me: You think this is funny? What a joke!

Head Caretaker: YOU ARE INSANE!!!

Me: Insane?

She calling me insane!


Out of all people she calling me that?

I am not insane!

I am off sound mind!

In fact, my mind was never as clear as now!

You wanted to screw with me... oh look what you have done.

Now it is you who is in big big troubles now!

 The laughter that escaped my mouth did sound a bit like a maniac, I have to give her that. She wasn't wrong if she thought that I lost it because I certainly ran out of patience for soo long now. I mean everyone has their own limit and I was fed up with all this bullshit. 

So once I stopped laughing, I looked back at the woman who now looked furious at me. Too bad for her that I picked up one of the shards and looked at her with a sweet devilish smile.

Me: How long do you think one will play along?

Head Caretaker: Hah.. I knew you were a monster!

Me: A monster...

Now I started to approach ehr while she was more than furious. Of course I saw that she had her quirk activated but I had mine as well with the shard in my hand. My quirk didn't let me access it with any weapon. It had to be sharp and I knew a couple of tricks to even trigger it without having a knife. It was just the way I was holding the shard like a knife pointing the sharp and pointy end towards her. This was equal to a knife in this situation which triggered my quirk.

Me: Oh if you knew.... even monsters are scared of me.

Did you know that I was waiting for a very good opportunity like this...

I was covering and accepting you beating me up for so long.

I had it!

Not as if I didn't plan on getting rid of all of you eventually... no... 100% tonight anyways!

I was still approaching her but the moment she decided to be the first to attack me, it was over for her. I could actually see 16 different ways of dealing with her. The only thing was, which one should I take? Personally, I would go for 1, however it was the most bloodiest way and I had to still get out of the room as well. Now blood wasn't the thing that I could really use right now.

Me: 4, 7, or 11? What do you prefer?

Head Caretaker: Huh?

Me: I mean what method of death do you prefer?

Head Caretaker: You are insane.

Me: Oh I know that, already. Now tell me something I don't know bitch!

Head Caretaker: The fuck did you just call me?

Me: A bitch!

Head Caretaker: Oh you wait till I get you in my hands!

Actually maybe I should play with my pray for a bit?

Sounds nice.

I heard it is more fun killing them after playing with them for a while.

I wonder if that is true.... 

Me: Guess ama play with you for a bit.

Head Caretaker: You are dead!

Me: HAHAHAHAHAHA what a funny and good joke. Now lets see what you got but don't be mistake. I will not let you hit me again.

Now that I had spark in my eyes, I was sure to show her how very wrong she was in believeing she could even hurt me a bit. There was way too much of a distance between her skills and mine for that. However at least this woman could still daydream about it. Too bad that reality was about to show her that fantasy is just fantasy and will never be real.

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