What great luck...

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I really would have loved someone to pick me up and not for me to walk back home all the way around and make loop de loops around blocks to make sure that no one was following me. Sometimes I was a paranoid shit but better safe than sorry. Besides I was out as a kid who should be dead and not a lot of people knew that I was dead. The key point was not to act suspicious but actually walk with this sport bag as if it was the most normal thing to do.

But honestly it was soo not since I was at the age to be at school at the moment and it was in the morning as well.

I would have been screwed if someone would actually say hey what you doing out here at this hour and not being a school. There was nothing I could actually say about that. More worrying is that I had a dagger with me and a gun. So if someone was looking over me it was over. 

Don't be suspicious!

Don't be suspicious!

Don't be suspicious!

Just get home!

No worries!

No biggies!

Just normal day!

A kid walking home.

Nothing out of the ordenary.



Oh shit...

This hobo...


I was just about to walk to a street and get to the more or less bad part of the city till I saw someone dressed in all black with a gray scarf and black hair. Yup that was a hobo and not any hobo at all. That ladies and gentleman was Eraserhead and hew knew me. He saw me at the orphanage and I just gotta run! I saw him and in the next second I was bolting the other way. Of course this hero saw me do that and started running after me like crazy! I was screwed! Like literally screwed! What was I supposed to do?!

Eraserhead: STOP KID!


Do you think I would stop only cause you scream stop?



I am not that stupid!

Besides you know me!

I am sure you didn't forget about me as well!


Did this hero think I would stop because he said so? Nah man! If anything I was running a lot faster by now. I was not really scared since I could kill him and all and besides that he will meet his end sooner or later anyways but I was worried about what would happen to Serpant. Oh how the times with Serpant and Stain made me change this much. Now I was second thinking everything I was doing so I wouldn't get caught but honestly how was I supposed to know that I would meet THE Eraserhead on my way back!!! There was nothing I could do at all.




What now?!

What should I do now?!


A couple of housebloocks later, I was quite out of breath and I was slowing a bit down. I mean I was a great runner and all but no one had this much stamina and this guy was still chasing me down. Now my best chances were to get into a metro and just be gone! Or that was what I thought.... Yeah no....

I went to the metro station, of course I jumped over the whole ticket section and got there but when I was there, all the metros were actually having a delay so I had to run through a mass of people to the other exit to get out of here safely while this hero was still chasing me.

I seriously can't believe my luck sucks this much about now!

How does this hero even still keep chasing me!

Everyone would have lost me till now!

Is he running all day around?


Where does this old man get his strength or his stamina from?!

I won't let him outrun me!


I am a kid!

I refuse to let a grown up man be more agile and have more stamina then me!

The more realistic thing about this scenario, was actually that I was refusing for anyone to catch me. No matter what this hero want from me, I needed to get rid of him asap. 

After I got out of the metro station, I continued running and swearing in hope that something would change because I was getting tired and I don't know how much longer I could keep up this sprint.



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