OmO you just noticed? WTF Usagi!

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As Serpant promised not that he had any other chance, he actually brought me with him to the place where we were supposed to pick up the goods. You know how annoyed I could be when I was bored? Whelp I did tick Serpant off to a poit he throw basically everything he could grab at me while I was laughing it off and dodging or catching the things.

It was just another way to kill my boredom. I mean what did you expect after locking me up in a room that is called my own just because I did what I was asked? It wasn't fair right? It was soo unfair!

Me: This is it?

Serpant: Yes.

Me: Say are we supposed to be alone?

Serpant: Yes, why are you asking?

Me: Ah nothing.

I am sure you will figure it out too.

Besides as long as they are not attacking us, I am good.

Who knows maybe Serpant never told me about the security of his goods... It would be rather foolish to have them delivered here to an empty and abandoned storage unit without any kind of security... Yeah no.

These people might really just be here to watch... Or they could be heroes!


They probably just here for security reasons. ...

Let's see 1...2..3...hmm...more than 30 people.. .. This is a bit sus..

Let's observe for now.

The moment I found out about these people I immediately made sure that I could grab the daggers I brought with me to eliminate them. Then again if anything these people were really dumb to attack us. I was really itching to just go and kick their butts and send them six feet deep but for Serpants sake and my own freedom, I decided to follow him quietly.

Serpant: You are too quiet.

Me: Hm?

Serpant: And out of focus.

Me I don't know what you talking about.

Serpant: Whatever, I am happy you are not making some troubles for now.

Me: What is that supposed to mean!

Serpant: Everything.

Me: What! Come on, I am not that bad.

Serpant: If you say soo... Now help me get these into the truck.

Me: Sure...

My focus was still on my surrounding as I helped Serpant get these things into the truck we came in. One by one, the cart boxes went in smoothly and we managed to get them all packed up and ready for departure.

Serpant: Get your daggers out kid.

That was all he said but that was enough to know that these people I could see around us trying their best to hide, were not on our side. The contrary was the case. They were freaking enemies and I was living it because that meant excitement!

Me: You just now realised.

Serpant: I should have known that you are not asking because of nothing.

Me: Meh.

Serpant: And why didn't you say anything?

Me: A mystery.

Serpant: Fun huh... You damn rabbit.

Me: Soo.... can I now go and have my so called Fun~ or not?

Serpant: Ah just do what you want. Don't you dare come back injured or I am kicking you out.

Me: Rodger that!

You know, I thought that he would at least be like with me and I could see the legendary Serpants skill but nah. This man basically patted my back before heading to get into the truck. I had totally no problems with that because that meant more fun for me here. These people were now all mine and I couldn't wait to just go at them.

However before I could do that, there was just one thing I had to clear up before that. 

Are they here for me?



Maybe both?

But this many people and now knowing they are all enemies... does that mean they are heroes?

No, think logically !

Heroes would never go in such a huge number at a target like us. 

Which means that these people must be either mercenaries or assassins.

I quickly and calmly assessed the situation since this was a pretty dangerous one. My quirk was definitelly a key to break it but then again the other thing was, that once I was done with them, there was no one who could answer my questions. Not that I had hopes that they would answer them honestly to begin with. I had more faith in myself and my observation skills than what these lairs would tell me for sure.

Me: Time to have some fun~ 

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