Remember me?!

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I decided to go straight up and break Bakugo's legs while he was down there and his hands so he couldn't hurt me while I would deal with the teacher. I had something to tell him and I mean we knew each other from the orphanage so why not say hi. Now was the perfect timing for it.

So I left Bakugo there and slowly walked over till I was in sight of the hero and crouched down to be somewhat on an eye level with him so we coul talk.

Me: Hello Eraserhead-sama. Nice to meet you again.

Eraserhead: Why...

Me: Why what?

Eraserhead: Why did you become a villain?

Me: Because I wanted to. Oh and should I let you in on a secret as well?

He looked really really confused but this was my debut into the villain world. I want him to know everything. This was definitelly not what I planned but I wanted it. Fuck being a scardy cat and hide in the shadows just for people to know the name Usagi... I was Izuku Midoriya a kid who once was normal like everyone else.

Eraserhead: How did this happen to you?

Me: You couldn't do anything about this. 

Eraserhead: No... if I would have gotten you back then....

Me: Oh you probably don't know but I am the one who killed that kid.

Eraserhead: What?

Me: It was me who killed all of them and burned the house down.

Eraserhead: ...

Terror was now written all over the heroes place. Yes. That was the expression I wanted to see. He finally realized what I meant and what was going on. Until now he really didn't know anything at all. But this moment he started putting things together from what I was telling him. I was here and I wouldn't lie about anything. Why should I lie about my kill count. There were soo many more as well.

Me: Even before that... did you see the red roses... you know they were once white.

Eraserhead: No...

Me: It is the truth. 

Eraserhead: Why?

Me: Because I can. 

Eraserhead: No that is no reason.

Me: Not?

Eraserhead: No. 

Me: Then how about the bully, the suffering, the pain? I just had simply enough and decided to commit and be what they told me I am.

Eraserhead: .... It's not too late.


Now here he was. The hero Serpant and Stain were looking up too. The only one who I also didn't wanted to kill because of how much good he was doing. His quirk was told to be a villainous one as well and yet here he was, a great underground hero.

Me: No... It's already years too late to change and you know what? I like being this way. It suits me...

Eraserhead: Then why are you telling me that?

Me: Because I will let you live.

Eraserhead: Why?

Me: You are doing far better job being a hero then anything else and I also want someone to remember what happened here.

There was a hint in the last thing I said and Eraserhead managed to pick it up pretty quickly as well. I said he would be the last one. Why would I say that when I just left Bakugo there alive and didn't kill him? Yes, I did hurt him but no... I didn't kill him, not yet.

So why?

Actually I didn't had to kill him. He would be doomed the moment I will contact All for One and make a deal. So... who was I to actually make the last call and get him his sweet sweet death? I would even ask All for One to keep him alive and break his will before getting his quirk in return. Yes this was definitelly the best outcome of everything.

Eraserhead: HANDS OFF HIM!

Me: Oh it will not be me who will hurt him.

Eraserhead: What do you mean?

Me: I mean that I am not working with the group of villains who planned this. I am my own person. 

Eraserhead: What?

Me: You thought I did this? HAHAHAHA NO. I am known as Usagi, the killer rabbit or you might know me as the kid who killed Ryukyu or Endeavors wife.

Eraserhead: No....

Me: Oh yes. That was all me. Tell Nezu, I said hi and the tea was great. If he ever managed to catch me, he should bring me some tea in prison.

With that I decided to leave it be and stand up to walk out of the USJ building. Now the only thing left was to get to All for One or make it public... Ohhh speaking off!

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