My great story!

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Me: Alright so you all saw me running away.

Stain: Yes.

Me: Kinda managed to get over the fence and I really would have gotten away if not for someone to open a portal right below me. I mean what could I have done about that?!

Serpant: They opened up a portal there?

Stain: How did they know you were there?

Me: They were the ones who hired me and put the job up.

Serpant: What?

Me: You gave me the job, so I thought you knew that.

Serpant: No, I didn't know that or I would have declined it.

Me: How did you not know?

Stain: I would like to know that as well.

Serpant: A good old friend came to me with this offer. No one of his man were even close enough skilled to do it so I accepted it thinking it would be perfect for you.

Me: Oh it was! And it was soo much fun as well.

Stain: Which friend?

Serpant: Remember that old guy that took you in while you messed up big times?

Me: You messed up?

Who would have thought that he could mess up...

He is human as well...

Well not as if I couldn't beat him for sure!

But this is kinda fun to hear that he messed up...

I think he probably got caught and needed to hide. 

Otherwise who knows how he messed up.

Stain: Not for discussion here and yes I know who you mean. That old fart who always told me I stink.

Serpant: Yes that one. He did say you are like a sewerage rat.

Stain: Yeah... that one....

Serpant: He also has his own little guild.

Stain: But it is an information guild and not a mercenary or assassins.

Serpant: True that but we are still friends since information and mercenaries go hand in hand.

Stain: So he is working for the LOV now?

Serpant: If he is, then we have a problem.

Me: I don't get it. Can someone explain to me.

Stain: The bastard we are talking about runs the information flow down here and if he is baught by the LOV then every information we get is not to be trusted.

Me: Not our problem is it?

Serpant: It is a bit since rumors are also created by them.

Me: Maybe but I get my information on my own.

Serpant: Which reminds me... you should go sleep a bit.

Me: But you wanted me to tell you my story.

Stain: It's not as if this is the story of your life.

Me: How do you know that?

Stain: I do.

Serpant: *sigh* just continue and go sleep after this. 

Me: Alright so I got teleported and landed on my ass since I was jumping over the fance when they got me.

Stain: Pfff-

Me: Not funny!

Serpant: Leave him.

Me: Tsk! So when I got there he kinda started to annoy me and we started talking where at some point I definitelly said that the LOV was just a league of losers or virgings. Not sure anymore but still sounds like it. Don't get how you could even name a villain group after a game. What a weird huge man child this guy was. 

Serpant: Not the point.

Me: Alright, alright. So he told me about the LOV and their goals and so on till we got to the point where they wanted to recruit me.

Stain: What did you say?

Me: What do you think I said?

Stain: Knowing you, no.

Serpant: Knowing you, you would have thrown a knife.

Me: I did and I also pointed a gun at him and stuck a knife at the table a couple of centimeter.

Stain: And he sruvived.

Me: He did but he pissed himself on for sure. You should have seen his eyes! They were soo huge! He was definitelly scared and continued to provoke me.

Serpant: I would like to say what an idiot you are but I am kinda proud of you to have shown him not to mess with the wrong guy.

Me: Thank you.

Stain: I can't believe they did something like that.

Me: Well they did... and they also tried to hire me and were like I should name a price and so on and so on.... Honestly what they wanna do is crazy.

And now we gonna get to the best part of this story!

I hope they will agree on helping me.

Well I just need them to be there in case something goes wrong and then get me the hell out. 

Should be possible!

I am sure about this...

But how am I to tell them that...

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