The plan!

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Now that we kinda discussed everything that has happened, it was about time to talk about the plans. No matter what, everything had to be flawless and that was putting us all a bit under stress. Of course we would try to have a distraction like earlier and just laugh without any worry but still the scales of what we have to lose was quite high and you could definitelly tell that we all were a bit on edge because of that. No slip up allowed after all.

Stain: So the plan is to get in as a security guy, right?

Me: Yes. 

Stain: Aren't you a bit too short for that?

Me: Got problems with that?

Serpant: It will be obvious. 

Me: Which is why I will have a fake ID. You think you can make one?

Serpant: This shortly? No.

Me: Well then I'll go in and eliminate anyone who dares to say something. But honestly who is gonna be there from the worker?

Stain: They will know you were there.

Serpant: How about a mask?

Me: I was thinking of a lot of hair dye as well as make up.

Stain: Transforming into some kind of maku up artist or something?

Me: If I have too.

Serpant: I'll help you.

Stain: Mh! Let him do it for you!

Me: So you are an artist?

Stain: He was a hunted serial killer and working in a public area for years... they knew his face as well and still couldn't get him.

Serpant: Facts and they are blind as hell.

Stain: No bro, your disguise with maku-up was just perfect.

Serpant: Still blind as fuck. 

Me: Soo you gonna do something?

Serpant: Yup, let me do my magic.

Me: Alright. Now that that is settled... I have the uniform but it is too big for me. 

Stain: I know someone who ows me one. He can change it till tomorrow.

Serpant: I already put a paper with his measurements in the sport bag. I felt free to go agead and do that.


Talking about thinking ahead....



Stain: Great!

Me: ... do you even sleep?

Serpant: Where did that come from now?

Me: Well you did plan soo many things and prepared a lot... you seem nearly always awake as well.

Serpant: I do sleep thank you very much for your concern and honestly I just need to quickly make some phone calls and the thing would be done. There isn't much to it and doesn't take up a lot of time.


Serpant: Not funy.

Stain: Remember when I asked you the same once?

Serpant: I do and I remember you also told me I sleep too much.

Stain: I don't remember that.

Serpant: You also don't remember the shit you did a couple of years back... should I jog your mind?

Stain: Hard pass on that.

Me: Pffff-

Serpant: Anyways, don't worry about me Usagi. I am fine.

Me: Alright.

Stain: Okay so after you get in like that what then?

Me: I want to get up to the platform where the lamps hang down from and the sprinklers are on. It is the safest place.

Stain: What if Kurogiri gets you.

Me: He needs to find me first.

Serpant: They will find you when they see the first couple of peple going down.

Me: They will see something question is if they can keep up in that mass panic and chaos. I don't think they will look up but around them.

Serpant: If the bullet comes from above then they will look up.

Me: True... hmm well I thought I will be at the side and then just shot sidewise. This wouldn't look that much that I shot from above but from a distance.

Stain: Clever but can you pull that?

Me: I can, remember my quirk? It helps me with that and it will be a oneshot, killshot.

Serpant: Mh! Make it count.

Me: I will.

Serpant: Now that we have that set up, the escape route?

Me: I will dip through the emergency exit.

Stain: In that case, I will be there and make sure it is clear at all times.

Serpant: I will have a car ready and everything packed.

Me: Packed?

Serpant: You don't think we will stay here after that? 

Me: ... hmm....

Serpant: All for One will be after us and more importantly you.

Me: I honestly don't think so.

Serpant: How come?

Me: Cause I will show him that the group he build up is garbage. He can't work with a team that can do nothing.

Stain: You do realise that you are basically challenging him, right?

Me: Not really.

Serpant: Then explain.

Me: Why do you think he waited for so long to come out of his shadow and hiding?

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