Tiger cup and their Family!

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After basically doing what Stain told me to do and getting a new set of clothes we got back to Serpant and he was already waiting with food for us. So what now? I was definitely questioning if the guy knew anything about what happened earlier or not but that was something we would for sure find out soon.

Serpant: How was it?

Me: GREAT! Honestly it was really nice going out and jumping from roof to roof.

Serpant: I see. Glad you enjoyed it. Anything that happened?

Stain: No. I took him with me as promised.

Serpant: And why does he have you old costume on then?

Me: I kinda tripped over the hero he killed.

Serpant: You tripped?

Me: Yeah.

Serpant: How?

What a lame excuse I just made but hey!

It's better than sweating and looking soo clueless like Stain there.

I wonder how this will end.

I hope not with anoter grounding.

I soo cannot stand it anymore.

Me: You know, I tried to tackle Stain and surprise him.

Serpant: You did what?

Me: Well I thought he had a big opening and it seemed like fair to have a small fight with him soo I tackled him....

Serpant: *sigh*

Stain: I dodged and he tripped over the hero...


Nice catching on!

It also soo seems like us since we kinda did nearly destroy the whole interior before thanks to that as well.

Me: What? Why are you looking at me like that and shaking your head.

Serpant: I let you go out and you do that?

Me: YES! You never let me do inside and I am bored! Like I haven't killed anyone for million of seconds.

Not a lie there....

It definitelly is like a couple of seconds ago as in hours.

Thank god we decided to sleep over for a bit and only come back in the evening. 

It also would have been soo risky going back out on the streets.

The heroes are also on the streets searching for us and by now the news should have also broadcasted it....


Does he know?

Serpant: Oh really?

Me: ...

Serpant: So which hero did you go after?

Me: That washing mashine guy.

Oh my gosh!

He definitely knows!

I mean the nes probably also said that but damn!

I am just glad that Stain left me alone to shower and went for another hero at the other end of the city and told me about it.

Jesus this can end soo badly!

Honestly if Stain hasn't thought about a Plan B before we came here, I doubt things would have ended well for either of us. I mean I was not allowed to kill just anyone since I was rather new to this and Serpant was just like a worried mother. It was nice having someone to worry about me but this was also a bit stiffening. 

Serpant: You mean Wash?

Me: Is that the name of the dude? I man he is wearing a wash mashine....

Serpant: Yes.

Stain: Useless Bastard.

Me: Huh....

Serpant: So that other guy has nothing to do with you two?

Me: What other guy?

Serpant: Alright. I will believe in you two.

After this small conversation Stain started talking about how useless that guy really was and that it was due and overitme for him to vanish since the guy was really useless. Then I found some news paper article which described us murdering the other two people and that was what we really did together. The article says it was a backstabbing from two villain partners from the looks of it. Oh well no one needed to know the what happened and after the meal Serpant kinda pulled me to the side. Stain on the other hand went to te couch and who would have thought that the legendary hero slayer could snore soo loudly and just sleep on command? I haven't for sure.

Serpant: I got a new job for you.

Me: Uhhh who is it?

Serpant: Be careful with this one.

Me: Alright but who is it?

Serpant: Ryukyu the dragon hero.

Me: What? WAIT Does that mean I can slay a goddamn freaking dragon?

I was soo hyped after I heard who was on the hitlist and honestly Serpant just smacked his own head and shock it afterwards as well.

Serpant: You really don't listen huh....

Me: I do and you said to be careful and I am digging it!

Serpant: Alright but Usagi, let me warn you. Someone is out there who wants you in their team.

Me: Yeah the lofty league of idiots of villains. I know I know.

Serpant: I have a bad feeling about this.

Me: Ah it will be fine. What will should they do anyways?

Serpant: I don't know but there is a tension spreading in the underground. The roles are shifting and I just want you and my brother to be careful.

Me: Thanks for the warning. I will.

With that I went to the PC and started digging up every video and every little bit I could get about that certain dragon hero. However what Serpant told me was not so wrong and it was stuck in my head. Somethings was about to happen and I could feel it as well. This was why I was so on edge the last couple of days trying to fight Stain at all costs. I just wanted to distract myself soo badly.

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