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Mikaru pondered continuing to assume that they were still alive, only defeated victims of Kai's cruel hierarchy ranking system beaten by the king himself since Kai did promise to assign new ranks to everyone at the academy.

Suddenly as he was walking through the hallways he stubbles into several cloaked individuals standing around presumably having a conversation, at first he thought it was the class cult but he then sensed a very powerful Aura coming from them and he saw the same red liquid all over their clothes.

They all began staring at him with nafarius smiles on their faces.

" It's time to pay for your sins. "

Then a huge explosion blew them all away including Mikaru, it tossed them all out the building as Mikaru spotted what seemed to be an angel fighting a demon in the sky but something seemed familiar about them to him but before he could figure out why he crashed into the school's wall near the school's gate an the demon in the air noticed him an sent winged demonic boars from the air at him.

Due to the fact that Mikaru was still in shock he was unable to muster up a response in time so the boars began to rip him to pieces as they consumed his flesh, he lost an arm an chunks from his left side resulting in many of his organs being critically damaged before one of the boar bit a chunk from his face taking his left eye.

Is this it, is this how I'm finally going to die after all this time ?

Mikaru asked in his thoughts as his consciousness wavered, nevertheless he wasn't killed by these creatures since the men in cloak taunted the boars away from him to themselves inevitably being eaten themselves.

After witnessing their deaths Mikaru rose to his feet and his eyes glowed with a golden glow but the tattoo marks were unable to appear since his right arm was missing, thus he was unable to heal.

The boars then impatiently leaped towards him as flames appeared in their mouth and eyes, however he used one of his rarely used techniques Re : Muay Thai power anchor.

This was an attack performed by firmly stomping one foot in the ground before dragging it around oneself forming a circle, it was able to kick up debris at high speeds while causing shockwaves around the user to force back anything or anyone around him in a 360° radius.

Following that attack he dealt a destructive blow which was a elbow blow respectively, using these attacks he managed to completely destroy two of the three boars and they immediately turned into a mist after dying which returned to the demon in the air who sent them.

Mikaru then used Re: Muay Thai basic stance brick wall to brace himself for the final boar's attack.

When the boar pounced at him he grabbed it and directed it's body over and around his shoulder with it's own momentum before smashing it into the ground yelling.

" Re : Muay Thai Momentum slam !!! "

And the final boar disappeared turning into a mist which followed the first two as Mikaru walked away from the battle scene before jumping through the school window into the nurse's office using heavenly leap in hopes of finding the Nurse there so he could be healed, however he only found Miyabi, Anya and Christopher battered and dead inside the nurse's office so he immediately puked seeing that they were torn into pieces.

Finally realizing that everyone else he had seen was dead he screamed completely horrified as he fell to his knees before beginning to rapidly hit his head against the floor in order to ease the agony he felt in his heart.

But notwithstanding the fact that it was to ease his agony, his forehead began to shoot blood all over as a wound was made, hearing these noise Fukushima who was walking through the hallways decided to enter the nurse's office and oddly enough he had a smile on his face casually asking Mikaru.

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