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( Mikaru Hyroyuki's )

I grabbed K by his collar and yelled fueled by rage knowing that he was mocking me.

" You Bastard !!! "

And the entire class started looking at us wondering what was going on, I could hear them whispering, creating rumors but then K said aloud continuing to smile at me as if nothing was going on.

" Do you want to play chess, I can guarantee that I will win or at the very least we'll meet at a checkmate. "

That bastard he thinks he's so smart pretending that nothing isn't going on to avoid suspicion and ignoring what I'm saying.

" I don't have time for this, you've already won so why don't we just take this outside. "

And K started to grin at me before saying.

" Is that so ? Well if you ask me the game has just begun. "

And we asked to be excused before going outside heading up to the roof so we could have some privacy, and as soon as we got there I stopped and asked K something unable to look him in his eyes.

" If your going to try and kill me then go ahead but I have a request. Would you leave Miyabi, Ahmya and Fukushima out of this they have nothing to do with what happened between us. "

And his grin faded away as he said entering a much more serious tone of voice.

" Leave them out of this ? You mean after you killed my girlfriend, Fumi Akagi. They have nothing to do with this yes that's true but I intend on using them in order to exact my revenge, I'm going to kill everyone who you hold dare. "

And Miyabi asked him a bit nervous and skeptical, slowly becoming confused.

" Wait what ? That wasn't the deal, I was supposed render Mikaru unconscious in order to see if my abilities could awaken someone who was placed into a coma, we weren't supposed to kill him what's this whole thing about revenge and why is this the first I'm hearing about it ?! "

K responded to her kiddingly seemingly as if he hasn't done anything wrong.

" Shhhh, I know, I know, can't I kid around. "

And I slowly clenched my fist before saying to Miyabi in a desperate attempt to save her from his cunning tricks.

" Miyabi I'm sorry I scared you earlier but believe me or not I was just trying to help you, don't let K trick you once upon a time I was friends with him but I learned the hard way not to trust him when that trust I placed in him resulted in a girl called Fumi's death. Her death really hurt even now to this very moment I'm unable to forgive him for making me kill her. "

And a terrifyingly evil grin then spreaded across K's face as he began to laugh seemingly amused before he said.

" You killed Fumi don't make me laugh you give yourself way too much credit there, we both did. That b!tch deserved it anyway, but after we did her in you went ahead and tried to kill me as well but as you can see I survived and I'll make sure you regret it. "

And he ran towards me pulling out a knife which understandably caused Miyabi to scream.

" No K don't do it !!! "

But there was no need to worry because as soon as I sense that my life was in danger my adrenaline started pumping increasing my body's overall capabilities and I simply kicked the knife out of his hand and whispered.

" I know I'm not exactly the most morally righteous person out there but what do you think that makes you. Didn't she use to be your girlfriend why did you have to go as far as taking her life, unable to care less what happened to anyone else but youreself ? "

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