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But, glimpsing the hero's blur rapidly approaching at worrying speeds, a voice rang out.

" Incoming !!! "

Hearing this Yuuto smiled and immediately stopped where he was and stood completely still as if he were frozen in place and the Elites all dashed towards him completely surrounding him to prevent him from pulling off any form of dodge or attacks but he quickly in the blink of an eye reached out his right hand horizontally before spinning around in a 360° angle grabbed them all before using heavenly leap to jump into the air tossing them away saying.

" I think it's time for a little site seeing. "

Hence with out any hesitation since he didn't have anything else to worry about Yuuto leaped towards the location where the demons were but they seemed to have already entered the building so Yuuto asked.

" So are you gonna fight me aswell ? "

Ariana was standing outside the academy building with Buck as they both slowly clapped their hands with a smile and Ariana commended.

" Not bad, not bad your a bit stronger than the last time we met I'll give you that but unfortunately for you we've gotten tons stronger. "

Then the entire academy rumbled and Mikaru looked into the air and spotted what seemed to be an angel fighting a demon in the sky but something seemed familiar about them and it didn't take him very long to realize that they were offensive king Jinsei the 3 star and Jason Park fighting above fighting where he saw that light like a star in the air earlier.

But something was odd he didn't see Kai and Miyabi anywhere in sight so immediately he knew that he had indeed done something wrong so he began to ran towards the building on the roof and Ahmya seeing this ran after him as well an the demon in the air noticed them an sent winged demonic boars from the air at them.

Due to the fact that Fukushima was still chained up Eve had to jump in the way of them defending him since he was unable to muster up much of a response in time to save himself and the boars looked like they intended to rip into pieces of flesh and consume everyone in sight.

Eve caused large serpents to appear swallowing all the demonic winged boars as Mikaru desperately ran through the hallways with Ahmya behind him completely confused of why he was even running had panicked even though everything seemed to be going okay for the most part.

When they had finally stopped running they were now at the nurse's office as Mikaru hoped it wasn't too late although there there were plenty of body's around the academy as he was running around.

Before Ahmya followed Mikaru inside the nurse's office while she was still trying to read Mikaru's mind she finally began to realize that it wasn't that she couldn't read his mind because of the weird reason that blocked her from doing so before it was infact that her ability wouldn't even activate.

I can't read his mind? wait that's not it since my ability isn't even activating since now that I'm trying I can't even summon the K blades either.

Ahmya wondered why for awhile before finally panicking when she remembered what Kai had said earlier at his mansion and so she put two and two together.

" I know you're principal Ariana's little sister but if you ever get in my way again, you'll pay with your life since this is a family issue. However I'm feeling generous today though so I'll leave you without your powers for the time being. "

Those were his words and now she couldn't activate any of her abilities, mind reading or blade summoning, she didn't want to worry Mikaru though since he would overreact even further so she decided on asking her sister if she knew what was going on, but Mikaru panicked even further.

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