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On one bright and sunny day a man with blonde hair could be seen walking through the city of Tokyo dead set on reaching a single skyscraper in which he heard a demonic man stayed.

The blonde haired man was Mikaru's Sensei Yuuto/Death Arm's the number one hero in the world an he was heading towards the skyscraper because of the lead he received from his master after visiting for a day ( he visited back in Bonus 5 ).

He arrived at the skyscraper currently standing at the front door preparing himself for the battle that was about to begin with complete fate in his master's tracking capabilities, although his attention was swayed away from the building by another hero in pursuit of a criminal who had stolen a robotic XO skeleton.

He  glanced into the distance at the battle between the hero an the villain as he noticed all the damages to public property being made in the process so he change into his hero uniform arriving at the scene.

The hero already at the scene immediately recognized him an yelled completely pissed.

" Your that so called number one hero who managed to topple crime all around the world years ago ? Leave now you are not welcomed I was out of my job because of you, you didn't leave anything in the world to solve for the rest of us an I had to get another job !!! "

The hero already on the scene absolutely hated Yuuto an he'd rather fight with him to the death than allow him to defeat another villain putting him out of a job, so that's what he attempted to do trying to strike the number one but ending up missing everytime because of Yuuto's excellent dodging skills.

" Why do you hate me so much as in to allow a criminal to get away so you can get paid, that doesn't sound very hero like ? "

But the hero didn't wanna hear it although the villain was activating his suit's tractor beam as he attempted to battle against Yuuto.

The tractor beam had managed to drag a huge asteroid into the Earth's atmosphere pulling it towards Tokyo as he hijacked all the television stations in the area with the robot suit requesting a huge payment or else he'd nuke the city from above in 5 minutes.

By this time the hero had realized what was going on, seeing the asteroid in the air heading towards the city from above their heads, he attacked the villain requesting for him to stop it but it was at no avail since the villain merely laughed telling the hero that he didn't know how to once it had already entered the Earth's atmosphere but his suit calculated that it'd hit the Earth in the next 7 minutes an by then he'd had used the remaining 3 minutes to escape the city regardless of if he was paid or not since there were plenty of cities in the world.

Hearing that the hero fell to his knees and said.

" No way I've failed, there's no way I'm getting paid now. "

Within this time Yuuto had leaped into the air pulling back his fist yelling.

" Re : Muay Thai, signature move Fatal Strike Full Force !!! "

As he smashed through the asteroid with his fist turning it into smaller pieces which were burned away before hitting the Earth as he landed back were he once stood getting the demonic man's on the top of the skyscraper's attention by his incredible display of strength speed an overall power since the only side effects he experienced was getting a little dirty.

" Why, why did you step in, I said I didn't need your help. "

The greedy hero asked an Yuuto said.

" I didn't do it for your sake, I'm a hero so when humanity is in peril and must be saved, I will surely take action. Saving people is what I do, I will not stand back an allow another town to burn to the ground a second time. Especially if those people need me, when the time comes a hero like us can't expect anyone to come along an save us since we aren't like other people. "

An Yuuto flicked his index finger using his thumb a inch away from the terrified villain an his robot XO skeleton shattered leaving him in nothing but his underwear as the athorities began to arrive surrounding the scene.

The greedy hero might've been tired of the way that things were, being a greedy man an all but he was still fairly honest so he was about to tell the athorities what had transpired even if it meant getting no credit for himself.

" Officer that man over there stole a robotic XO skeleton from a Russian establishment but don't worry he was stopped from using it to nuke the city by... "

But he was interupted by Yuuto who said talking over him.

" This young hero, he has a lot of potential so if he continues to give it everything he has he'll surely get a raise for doing his job properly, since heroes help people first an foremost. "

And the greedy hero stared at Yuuto in disbelief realizing that he wasn't doing it for the money, he was completely honest earlier so he read between the lines realizing that Yuuto was giving him a few advice so he could make a living whilst helping others.


Yuuto entered the skyscraper an used his hero ID to be granted permission to the roof where he spotted the demonic man earlier but he saw a gorgeous aray of flowers of all sorts an verities but no demonic man up there on the roof.

Although he had did his best to get to the roof in a hurry the demonic man had gotten away, it was as if he wasnt even up there on the roof in the first place.

As he stared towards the direction he could swore he saw the demonic man standing, he wiped away sweat from his face as he muttered realizing that he would have to return to his master's island an bring him with him the next time around.

" I've managed to stop that city destroyer not failing this city but it was certainly a decoy sent by the demon himself ? Well at least I've managed to help that young hero before he ended up like you old pal.  "


A/N :

I hope you enjoyed it and if you did be sure to vote, and you you don't mine can you'll tell me who's your favorite anime superhero in the comments thank you.

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