CHAPTER 3 : I'M GETTING THAT BOX BACK !!! イムバックその箱を取得 !!!

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( Ahmya's P.O.V. )

I was feeling very nauseous, I felt like I was going to collapse I wasn't sure what that thing had done to me or what was going on with my body but I knew whatever was inside that box was incredibly powerful.

I though as I walked through the hallways passing the nurses office staring at the box until.


Ugh !!!

I mumbled bumping into a blonde hair kid accidentally dropping the box he seemed to be in a hurry as if he was desperately looking for something.

Image of the blonde hair kid below.

He then attempted to assist me up picking up the box about to hand it over when...

" Hey you dropped... my box !! "

He said realizing the box I dropped was his box that he was probably looking for.

" No it's mine. "

I said lying to him to his face I couldn't lose the box at least not yet I felt as if I had to see what was inside of it but he was clearly getting angry as he said.

" Hand that thing over you have no idea what your holding in your possession. "

No I had to see what was inside of it, I was far too deep at this point so I tried to dash away in search of my sister with his box when he attacked me.

He launch a massive barrage of punches at me while simultaneously trying to reclaim his stolen object.

I was hit multiple times and it didn't seem he was holding back he didn't appear to had wanted to fight me but he was desperate left with no other options.

*BOOM !!!!!!*

I was punched through the nurse's wall into her office after receiving his punishing blows he truly must have been really desperate to have had hit a girl that hard.

I looked around and saw the evil teacher Buck, the nurse and the kid with the vermilion hair from earlier.

I tried to run away again with his box in my possession again but he clearly had no intentions of letting me leave with it as he desperately launched another barrage of attacks.

I had no choice but to use my Kurushima swordsmanship bare hand style techniques since my powers were still acting up.

" I can't afford to lose it either. I'm also desperate so I'm leaving with it whether you like it or not, even if I have to go all out so know that if you continued to attack me you might die. "

I prepared myself for one last attempt to get away at full speed and I ran off causing mini shockwaves pushing away the debris from the wall as the Nurse and Buck covered their eyes from the dust.

I thought I was gonna get away this time until I noticed that he was actually after me keeping up, in fact although he seemed to be having a tough time doing so I was still impressed.

I know that there is no chance of a weakling being at this school but still how fast was he the technique I was using was supposed to let me be way faster than any other human so was he really that determined to get his box back.

He sooner caught up to me grabbing me by the arm trying take away the box while I was still running but I wasn't gonna just let him do so.

I flicked around aiming to kick him straight to his face while he was trying to remove the box from my hand when someone pushed us and we fell apart to the ground in sitting positions.

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