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( A/N : Wow I can't believe it's actually been 28 chapters, usually I'd get bored or come up with another idea before finishing a series but I've managed to make it incredibly far especially if you count all the Bonuses. So anyway thanks for sticking around for this long I really appreciate it. )

Mikaru then began to explain to his friends.

" At this school there are about 3 student's that's manage to achieve the impossible without even using their preterhuman abilities terrifying everyone around. Ahmya, Su and the defense King Kai, Kai is literally so strong the Elites fear him even though they out rank him an as Jason said earlier he was placed in charge of maintaining the hierarchy and giving everyone here their ranks just so he wouldn't get bored an go around creating havoc. "

Which Ken expanded on by revealing another reason why Kai was such a badass.

" He wasn't always so well recognized by every student here. There once existed a student that was praised as a self proclaimed future 3 star in the making because of how quickly he was experiencing growth but as powerful as he was, he was unable to progress any further because one man stood in his way deeming him unworthy, Kai. Monster among even monsters that was the student was nicknamed excelling within the academy walls but he became arrogant when Kai first established the hierarchy placing him as a one star not even eligible of becoming a three star in a million years. "

Ken then swallowed some spit sweating as he recollected the events that transpired.

" In a rage he attacked Kai with everything he had hoping to prove him wrong and Kai thought him a lesson by defeating him with intimidation alone, Kai caused him a pain worse than death itself even if he killed himself he would never experience as much pain again. Kai intimidated him with the king's command since it would not allow him to die unless commanded to do so. "

Around this time Ken was appearing to be genuinely frightened by just recollecting the events.

" While the student was experiencing the excruciating pain, vomiting, pissing and shitting himself as an result he was in tears crying that he couldn't see anything an he couldn't hear anything except for Kai's voice mid torment. Kai eventually had pity on him an gave him the option of committing suicide since It'd be less painful freeing him from that pain. "

Kai : Weak you are weak I barely used enough of my intimidation to subdue a 2 star, this amount of power is considered common among the strongest of the one stars.

The tormented student: Common among the 1 stars... No way !?

Kai: Do you get it now, the reason you can't go any further ? It's not like you aren't strong according to human standards but your speedy growth wouldn't hold a candle to a truly talented preterhuman even in a hundred years. Sorry you weren't one of the chosen ones, go back to being a no star you're not qualified to climb my hierarchy.

The tormented student: Why there's nothing waiting for me if I go back, please one more chance I need one more !?

Kai: If you can defeat two no stars without your ability then we can talk but for now you're dismissed, I will alleviate you of your pain for now though.

" And the guy was immediately able to see an walk around again but he was beaten so bad that he, he lost his preterhuman ability which is unthinkable since it's a ability cause by the genetic evolution of the human body so that means that he beat Gene's into reversing it's own evolution. "

Ken said to Jason shaking from the traumatic experience that he was recollecting as he walked away with Rei heading towards the Nurse's office to recover their strengths as the Elite imaginative Jay arrived an repaired the wall in an instant before heading up to the roof to see what else damage we've caused, the Elite passed Su who had just arrived from the roof heading in our direction saying.

" It's true, even the Japanese government were afraid of him calling him the second preterhuman king succeeding Mojin Kurushima who was nicknamed the most dangerous preterhuman back in his day. I've even witnessed a feet of inhumane proportion after you all left. Because Ken deactivate his ability returning all of the heat he stole to the atmosphere all of the snow turned into rain since the weather was already severely disrupted but before I got the chance to ask the defense king Kai if he wanted to find shelter... "

Su said an cleared his throat passing us by an following Ken an Rei before continuing.

" I noticed that all the rain was perfectly avoiding Kai an at first I thought it was apart of his ability but then he told me that was very much not the case... "

Kai: What, oh you must mean the rain ? Well it isn't a problem for me since I won't end up getting wet since the rain usually avoids me when it falls I've gotten so use to it until I forgot it isn't normal I guess it might seem a bit freaky to a regular person so 'mother nature's rain could you be a dear and stop immediately'.

" At first I tried to laugh it off as some joke but then I realized that the rain was no longer falling then realized that all the clouds in the sky had completely vanished with the sun back in it's place shining it's bright light upon us. "

Su slowly narrowed his gaze back at us then towards the staircase leading to the roof where Kai was and Su then said a bit scared.

" I... I gotta go !!! "

And he began to speed walk holding onto his glasses with his index finger and his middle finger whispering.

" What the hell is that man is even nature so afraid of him it bends itself to his very will ? "


A/N :

Hey guys this is me the author, If you liked this chapter please consider giving it a vote by clicking the star below or above it depends on if your using the app or your computer.

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