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The Kurushima academy is on fire, everyone inside is worried about what will become of them, around them the building rumbles as the Elites themselves battle against the world's number one hero, and a youth broadcasts a few words to anyone who can hear while the inferno grows larger and larger.

Welcome to a Hell where everyone is only concerned about saving themselves even though they all share the exact same horrible adversarys.

" I know even if you don't remind me, how absolutely helpless despair can be and surely having to face such an unreasonable reality despite of this is just how unfair life can be. But still I'll fight, that's just the kind of guy I am, let me ask you again everyone who can hear my voice where are you now, are you thinking about escaping, are you trembling alone, are you with someone, could they be the person that's the most important to you or could they be just an unfamiliar face ? "

Saying this, the youth's voice was clearly shaking but...

Students : " ......huh ? "

Not sure if they had misheard it, they opened their eyes wide and looked around them. The owner of the voice wasn't there. But all around, they could see astounded faces just like their own since the trembling youth had just declared that he'd still fight.

Inhaling, with only a slight hesitation. The voice paused for a moment, as if choosing his next words closely, and.

" Regardless here's my arbitrary request to you all, don't be alone because when someone takes on hell alone then they'll surely succumb so look at the face of the person who's with you is it the face of someone who's in great distress trying not to cry, is it the face of someone putting up a strong face trying not to worry those around them, if so then that's an amazing person since if someone is smiling in order to keep you from worrying then you should be proud of them. "

Just to be sure, the no star's class cult members embraced each other tightly. Their arms wrapped around each other's bodies in return, and, while savoring the warmth of that embrace, they looked up towards the ceiling crying about the fact that they were probably going to die without ever getting a girlfriend.

Unable to hide his fear or apprehension, the youth nevertheless took on the hopes of every person in the academy and declared that he will fight. The class cult then closed their eyes, sketching out the image of the hero whose face they didn't even know, they sketch out the image of the hero on the desk that they were huddled around and they prayed for every imaginable good fortune upon him. Because surely, he must be just a common-place youth, fighting for the sake of someone important to him.

Then the youth exploded with emotions saying.

" But is this acceptable to you, nevertheless I can't accept this I will not accept this, I also have people I cherish, friends I hold dear so I can't stand by and watch others inflict them pain while they force themselves to smile are you kidding me quit joking around, I wanna raise my voice and shout knowing that the smile of the ones I love should be for real. I don't wanna keep losing and it'd be too pathetic to give up here, but even if you're too weak to strike down those in the wrong then please keep fighting for what's truly right even till your last breath, don't surrender and bow to those guys, the enemy might be strong but I don't wanna lose so I'll fight and you should too even if you're helpless, weak, cowardly and stupid because regardless of who you think you are, they are wrong, they're wrong to make the people we care about suffer and in pain. "

The youth then paused to catch his breath before adding.

" I said I want you all to fight but please avoid doing anything reckless and end up spilling any of your blood that I'll come to regret, what I'm asking you to fight for is your hope so don't look down because yielding to despair has never saved anyone who don't hope. Everyone maybe afraid and want to run away but no one wants to lose, if you can see to it that your not alone then that's enough, so do you all believe that we can still fight ? Am I the only one still fighting against sorrow, weakness and fear if not then give a nod and believe in me so I can fight, and fight, and win, have faith that surely I will. I'm Mikaru Hyroyuki the guy who tore up a city just to avenge a girl I loved, the guy who sock it to a Elite just to stop him from hurting those that I cared for, the guy who taught Jason Park the inert everything he knew about fighting before he would later go on to crumble the hierarchy to the point where the king had to rethink it's system, I'm expendable, I'll just come back anyway. I am he who goes back in time and plays hero even though no one would never realize what I've done for them, so fight to stay alive and leave the rest to me. "

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