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Su Ogami finished his homework and explained to Fukushima who had came to his dorm room for training and advice for his potential future battle with Mikaru.

" You're not bad, but a preterhuman ability's strengths are based on the users creativity and energy output so naturally unskilled preterhumen brute force their way to the top by increasing their energy output, but that isn't very efficient so instead it's more ideal to be creative and try stretching the flexibility of the ability based on it's specific nature, this would allow for optimal energy usage while being able to do far more. "

Seeing that Fukushima was thoroughly confused by those words Su further explained to him.

" To excel at this is to excel in brain power, the degree in which a preterhuman can emit their aura, gestures and frequencies will determine if they are able to boost their current effectiveness to 120%, obviously this will come naturally at first since a preterhuman's brain is far superior to a normal person's but if it is pushed to it's very limits in order to find more creative methods for long stretches of time then the brain can be burnt out causing the user to fail to activate their techniques, this obviously can be prevented for a time by physically enhancing the brain with preterhuman energy while fighting. "

Not anymore closer to the answer that Su was getting at Fukushima demanded.

" Yeah that's how I can improve my abilities but what does that have to do with improving my martial arts capabilities ? "

So Su sighed before attempting another explanation.

" I already told you that martial arts is like the bones and preternatural energy and abilities is like the meat so obviously I'm implying that the fastest way to improve without learning your very own martial arts is to just combine your fighting style with your abilities. "

Astonished that Su was just trying to tell him that in such a round about way Fukushima ask.

" I see, well that does seem to make a lot of sense but is there anything else you want to tell me ? "

Almost as if he was thinking in that moment 'I thought you'd never ask' Su smiled and began flapping his lips explaining the ranks of the hierarchy like he was Jason Park in his obsessed phase with breaking it apart.

" Star points are a made up concept by an ancient or mythological guy in the past called Samaru Eiji, he created these star points on a whim while talking to the reincarnation of the deadly sins, they were originally intended to gauge how dangerous he thought someone was to the world... "

Intrigued by his words Fukushima pulled forth a chair that they had placed in the corners of the room to get some space for their little training session, and he sat down since he could've told that this would've been a long explanation since he had indeed read the book about Samaru as a kid.

" ...For instance a 1 Star was someone who gathered 38 points which Samaru believed was necessary to put what we in the modern era would call a 'neighborhood' in severe danger, a 2 star would be a threat to a city, an 3 star would be a threat to a island, a 4 star would be a threat to an entire continent, and a 5 star would be a threat to the whole entire world, of course us preterhumen who've been able to access our preterhuman auras and utilize it outside our body for even more reinforcement and enhancement are studied to be using extra dimensional energy so naturally you'd think that his estimation is inaccurate ? "

Su said before posing a question and going silent to see if Fukushima had anything to say, but this was kinda all new to him so he just blankly stared with his mouth open, therefore Su hopped back into explaining.

" However according to Samaru we live in a world with 2 layers that overlaps, a physical layer where we perceive every day life that's roughly 3 dimensional and a spiritual layer in which remains unseen to most people in this world because of it's nature of being extra or 4th dimension, it is said that we Preterhumen affect not only the physical layer but also the spiritual layer when we utilize our abilities otherwise our entire universe might end. "

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