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Image of Fumi Akagi above.

( Mikaru Hyroyuki's P.O.V. )

I was surrounded by darkness in a tunnel for as far as the eye could see, what don't I get to pass through the seashore of the afterlife this time ?

I died in battle by the hands of the cloaked Elite council man Fuji, damn it I'm willing to sell my soul to Eve if I have to as long as there's the slightest chance that I could save my friends and achieve a happy ending I even gave in to becoming Samaru's vessel briefly for the chance of saving them, but for what ?

Was it all for nothing am I destined to fail tragically again and again if I go back ? I tried thinking rationally but the world was so twisted so it failed, I tried going at it with all I got brawn and courage but even that failed what am I supposed to do I don't wanna die I don't wanna be left behind in the past anymore.

I thought to myself crying all alone in the dark hugging my knees as I was now wearing nothing but my birthday suit when I heard a voice said.

" So you want to witness a devastating future. "

And I saw a male standing before me in the distance wearing a Yōkai ( Ayakashi, Mononoke ) mask and a large black and red cloak like cape he seemed to be a little older than me sporting the exact same hairstyle except for the fact that his hair appeared to be dark red.

" What do you mean, who are you and how did you get here ? "

I asked getting the most important questions out of the way first before trusting another entity that I would probably regret listening to an he responded by saying.

" If you want to succeed then all you have to do is witness a devastating future. "

He completely dodged my question I guess I won't be able to trust him. I turned my head away from him angered as I closed my eyes and continued crying as he stood there not wanting to give me a proper answer but...

" He's Jr. And we aren't really Yōkais he decided to make us wear these mask to hide our identity since he's the ones who judges, he goes by the title The One Above Sin I'm sure you must've heard about him from that devil that keeps on reviving you ? "

I heard a child's voice an I opened my eyes to what looked like a 9 year old boy with light blue hair wearing a Yōkai mask crouching down right infront of me which immediately understandably startled me completely an I pushed his face but ended up falling on to my back since he didn't even budge even a little.

" Uh he tapped me an fell over he sure is weird. "

The boy said scratching the side of his head and I peeked over his shoulder to the other guy which appeared first an he shifted his gaze away from me and yelled at his companion.

" Miku I thought I made it clear that our identity should remain secret since this human would be sent back for another chance ?! "

And the kid got up an picked up a small object in which I couldn't make out and he threw it and it skipped on shadows played while he casually said.

" Well you just told him my name just now so now we're even. "

Clearly not happy with the excuse in which he was given the one called Jr. Scolded Miku.

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