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All of the Elites dashed towards Yuuto simultaneously activating their abilities, Mojin manipulated time to slow down Yuuto without affecting his own comrades.

Nina activated a auto instant healing ability for her comrades, Tapei teleported them around to throw Yuuto off as they quickly approached him and Fuji froze Yuuto's feet to restrict his movements.

Meanwhile Buck was just standing around watching their battle with principal Ariana who seemed to be analyzing the entire situation as they fought.

They fought, and they fought throwing out everything they could think of but Yuuto would again and again dodge it all with near perfection although he had to use different techniques to dodge, switching from swift blitz, heavenly leap to just bobbing and weaving old school style since in it's roots Re : Muay Thai was adopted from a boxing martial arts, he cycled through these moves every 10 seconds and used Re : Muay Thai basic stance brick wall to block whenever he couldn't dodge because of the cool down status effect.

They continued this until they bursted through the school wall ending up back outside causing a explosion as they flew through the dust continuing their battle outside.

The dust cleared and the Elites appeared engaging the hero who wore a yellow costume in battle as they ran around back and forth at the front of the school premises at high speeds.

Beginning to get tired of all the running around Yuuto stood still as if he were frozen in place he began to prepare a final attack as all the Elites dashed towards him completely surrounding him to prevent him from pulling off any form of dodge or easy counters to their attacks.

Imaginative Secretary Jay rushed forward holding a scythe that imposed the status effect 'poison' and a knife that imposed the status effect 'energy steal' as his other imaginative weapons followed closely behind him preparing to impale Yuuto, Nurse Nina hit a few of her pressure points to trigger a adrenaline rush boosting her physical capabilities even further so she could finally land a finishing blow.

Council man Fujisaki rushed forward attempting to use his liquid ability to manipulate Yuuto's body by using the blood as he yelled a warning to his comrades.

" Be careful everyone or he'll end up sending us sight seeing !!! "

Hence best teacher Tapei clapped his hands as he dashed forward and immediately everyone was transported to his signature world of void as he reassured Fuji.

" Don't worry, I've got it covered !!! "

Meanwhile vice principal Mojin Kurushima was using his time ability to slow Yuuto down even further so he wouldn't be able to move fast enough to dodge all their attacks at once, but Yuuto quickly in the blink of an eye reached out his right hand horizontally before spinning around in a 360° angle grabbed them all before using heavenly leap to jump into the air tossing them away saying.

" I think it's time for a little sight seeing. "

However they all teleported back to him after he finished spinning and because of how close they were all of their attacks were able to land the mark, although renewal flow state was impressive enough to get Yuuto to move his body in such a way that he avoid any fatal injuries.

" Interesting, I'm sure I was able to throw you guys away just now but you were somehow able to anticipate my moves and placed yourselves in a position all around me that allowed your attacks to instantly land preventing me from dodging, especially because of those damn lingering status effects holding me back. Although my renewal flow state helped me avoid getting hit in any of my vital organs, that was still close. "

Then imaginative Jay asked after processing what just commenced as he held his head with his hands as if he was having a headache.

" Damn it, so let me get this straight, was that hero seriously planning to just toss us far away in order to quickly end the fight ? "

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