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Mikaru, Fukushima, Ahmya  and the school nurse were all currently gathered around Mikado's recovery area in the nurse's office where he was chained up to as Ahmya  used her telepathy to share Mikado's memories with everyone currently present in the room.

The principal was currently waiting outside the nurse's office just in case anything went bad, but at this point the room was completely silent since everyone was lost in Mikado's tragic past memories.


In the distant past when Mikaru was only a kid, on the night of the hellish flames Mikado ended up destroying his entire town leaving only his own house intact. But when his wife saw him and realized that he was beyond reasoning with she called for Yuuto's aid and he arrived seeing no other option to stop Mikado than engaging him in battle.

However Yuuto was slowly reaching Mikado's heart since by this point he had come to believe that his friend had given up on being a hero and just had become a villain because it was far more easier, sensing the pain in Mikado's heart caused by those words Lust instantly took over his body in order to prevent him from going back on his words to murder and rampage in exchange for power.

Lust : " I love it when they monologue back, but I know for sure that you are not a hero, I know a true hero and he's the only one who have ever frustrated me. You and me are very similar, I'm someone who killed people without much of a second thought and your someone who saves others without much of a second thought. After we've done it once, there wasn't really much of a reason to stop so we both just kept doing it and doing it without much care, do you get it now ? You're me and I'm you. "

Noticing that Mikado's voice had changed just then, Yuuto began to realize that something was off but he tried shoving the thought aside since Mikado's body, Chi and personality up until that point definitely pointed to the person standing before him being the real deal.

Yuuto : " What the hell are you even going on about, that's serial killer logic, you don't actually need to keep killing more people, you've already filled our town with rivers of the blood of its citizens, everything  is burning to the ground, you've made it even worse than it was before we saved it that day !!! "

Lust : " You're still missing the point, I was trying to tell you about a true hero that I know he had no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: surely he hath borne the griefs of many, and carried their sorrows: yet he opened not his mouth: he was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from there he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the crimes of many people was he stricken. And he made his grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death; because he had done no violence, neither was any deceit in his mouth. He saw of the travail of his soul, and was satisfied because he had made intercession for the transgressions of others. That is the story of the man that Mikado tried ever so hard to be like and he that frustrated me. "

Yuuto :  That story it's the one taught to us by the man who taught us how to use chi, wait why is he talking in the third person perspective, first the voice change now this, what's going on here ?

Yuuto : " Wow man you sure are super strong, that speech of yours was so cool, you were even able to change your voice and everything while playing the villain, I lost big time I guess it'd be best if I backed down and hand everything down to you. "

After hearing those words Mikado took back control over his body becoming even more emotional as his face returned to normal and he began to vehemently protest.

" Your a hero, a paragon of justice, a lot of kids out there look up the you, your suppose to keep getting back up regardless so don't you dare go tainting your image since that'd be disrespectful to everyone out there who admires you. You're supposed to give it your all, look whenever your friend is giving it their all your suppose to do the same since simply joking around while their doing so, hurts them much more than losing ever could !? "

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