Chapter Two

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Diana was the one to wake Cielo up when they arrived to Stanford. She didn't even realize she had fallen asleep. I guess the anxiety of meeting my four year crush tired me out that much. "What, you gonna sleep all day?" Dean asked with raised eyebrows.

"It's the middle of the night, you can't expect me to not be asleep," Cielo said in return with a yawn following.

"Yeah, Dean," Diana retorted from the passenger seat.

Dean mocked Diana in return and they all finally got out of the car. The trio snuck around the building to where Sam's apartment would be. How Dean found it, Cielo nor Diana knew, but Cielo still blessed him for it. Luckily, there was a fire escape leading up to his window. They all stared at it and thought about who was going up first.

"Maybe this isn't a good idea," Dean said suddenly. Cielo turned her head, and even in the dark, she could see the hesitation. "I mean, there's the three of us, right? That's enough to find Dad, right?"

"Come on, you chicken," Diana said, starting the climb first.

Cielo exchanged a look with Dean. "Ladies first," she told him.

He pouted like a child and went up to follow Diana up the fire escape. Cielo followed suite.

When they made it to Sam's floor, Cielo felt her heart pounding louder and louder as Dean picked the window lock. "Imagine this is the wrong apartment," the girl giggled. Dean and Diana looked at her like she had grown another head. She stopped laughing, wanting to jump off the fire escape for embarrassing herself. "Kidding... I was kidding."

Dean scoffed and rolled his eyes before turning back to the task at hand. When he finally got the window unlatched, he hesitated again. "We should go back and pretend we were never here."

Diana sighed and crossed her arms. "We're already here, might as well get a beer." She opened the window and threw her leg in before giggling and looking at the two in front of her. "I rhymed."

Dean pushed Diana to hurry up and went in after her. It was Cielo's turn to hesitate. She suddenly wanted to throw up or run, in this case, jump.

By the time she manned up and went through the window, Sam was pinned to the ground and Dean was the one to do the pinning. "Here," Diana said, coming up beside her and giving her a bottle of water. "Found it when I went looking for beer."

"Thanks," she said, desperately undoing the cap and taking large swigs.

"Dean?" Sam had questioned, trying to catch his breath in the process. Dean laughed in response as if he wasn't just saying that they should leave. "You scared the crap outta me."

"That's 'cause you're out of practice," Dean replied. Swiftly, Sam had switched their positions and had Dean pinned down. "Or not. Get off me."

The girl took another, long, swig of water. Dean and Sam talked a little bit before Sam spun around and saw the girls. Diana had to hold Cielo up. "Ci, oh, my God," Sam chuckled happily, coming up to her.

Hold me, I might pass out.

Just like nothing, she was wrapped in the arms of Sam Winchester. I'm legitimately about to collapse.

"You look different," Sam tells her, holding her at arm's length.

Cielo avoided direct eye contact, not having prepared herself for this occasion. "Is it the hair?" Sam frowned a little bit as she avoided looking at him, but forced himself to brush it off.

"Sam?" A woman's voice said, just as the light went on. Cielo stumbled a little bit as she saw a clear view of Sam. The height difference is gonna be a pain in my ass.

Cielo looked over and immediately took a step back from Sam. She was standing there, the only other woman Cielo loved Sam with. Her blonde hair was incredibly curly in real life and Dean's drool was about to hit the ground. "Jess, hey. Dean, Cielo, Diana, this is my girlfriend, Jessica."

"Wait, your brother, Dean?" Jess smiled brightly at Dean.

"I love the Smurfs," Dean says. "Ya know, I gotta say, you are way out of my brother's league."

"Dean!" Cielo scolded, going around Sam to push Dean out of the way. "My God, have some self respect, would you?" She looked at Jess. "Hi! It's so nice to meet you, I've heard a bit about you before Sam cut contact," she said in one breath.

"It wasn't on purpose!" Sam defended, keeping his frown.

Jess laughed and hugged her tightly. "It's so nice to meet you too! I've heard so much about you," she says.

Oh, my God, she was so nice! They pulled apart, but still held each other's arms.

"Hope they weren't things like how I'm always asleep before nine," Cielo joked.

"Nine? Sam said eight-thirty."

"Ugh, what a dick," she joked again. Jess laughed again and Cielo turned towards Diana. "Oh, this is my sister, Diana. She's like Dean but worse."

"Cielo, stop lying."

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