Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Cielo snorts, picking up one of the photos on the dresser that's on the opposite side of the bed. One of this supposed Crystal Reed and Jared Padalecki. The woman in the photo was wearing a beautiful gown in white with Jared standing next to her. He had taken off his coat, to which Crystal was wearing over her shoulders and laughing at whatever situation she was laughing at. Jared was laughing with her, looking down at his new wife with so much love and adoration... it was weird seeing that.

"Did you see these?" Cielo asks Sam, turning around to walk to the king-sized bed with a dramatic canope draping over it. Sam was sitting on one side with his back against the headboard and his legs stretched out and crossed one over the other. He looks up from the laptop as Cielo sits down by his legs. She hands the photo over to him, reminding herself to put it back before she forgets. "Looks like the people playing us had the time of their life during the filming, huh?"

Sam smiles, looking down at the photo. It wasn't hard to imagine the photo to be him and Cielo. Hell, these people were literally them. "Weird, huh?" Sam questions, still looking at the photo. "Seeing fake us be married and work together everyday?"

Cielo nods, standing up from the bed, only to jump over Sam's legs so that she gets on the bed. She grunts slightly, landing on the mattress beside him, and crawls up to be by him. "If they're playing us, it's no wonder why they're married now."

She leans her head on his shoulder, staring at the photo with him. "Do you ever think about it?" Sam asks her. "Getting married and living the apple-pie life?"

Cielo thinks about his question before she answers. "I think about that all the time," she admits quietly. "Us having a small wedding with our family. We don't have enough friends for a big wedding." Sam chuckles, moving her for a second to wrap his arm around her shoulders. "Apple-pie life... not so much."

Sam looks down at her, shocked written across his features. "Really?"

Cielo nods. "Our life is this. Saving people, hunting things... not being on the other end of the line." She frowns, wishing that she could have a normal life. She doesn't remember what it was like to live normal. To be fair, she never really lived a normal life to begin with. "Sad, huh?"

Still staring at the photo, he nods, rubbing her shoulder. "I get what you mean, though."

"Do you?" Cielo asks him. "Think about being married?"

Sam smiles softly, the scenario of Cielo walking down an aisle to meet him at the end in a pretty, white dress plays in his head. "All the time," he says quietly. "It's comforting."

"Would you want to get married?" Cielo's mouth moved faster than her mind, but she can't take it back anymore.

Sam nods, without a doubt and finally looks away from the photo to look at Cielo. "Of course."

Cielo's surprised by his answer and looks up at him. "Really?"

"Obviously," Sam responds in a duh tone. He's quiet for a second and all Cielo can do is smile like an idiot. He's quiet for another beat and then speaks up again. "We should get married."

Cielo looks up at him, raising her eyebrows. "What?"

"We should get married," Sam repeats. "Why not?"

"You wanna marry me?" She asks incredulously, as if he hadn't said he would a a couple minutes ago.

"Very much," he replies. "So, what do you say?" He's being smug, but Cielo can see the hope in his eyes and feels his grip on her tighten the slightest in anticipation.

Can you imagine? Cielo as a Winchester? How would they do it? They're all practically wanted in every state, there's no way someone would sign off on it. Well, there's probably some loophole around it, they're smart. What if something happens again and one of them ends up widowed?

Cielo as a Winchester... Cielo Winchester... that sounds like heaven. Sam and Cielo being husband and wife after being in love with each other for almost seven years. What would it be like? Them as is, just officially a married couple?

Lucifer was back in the cage, they were close to figuring out how to stop Eve, what's the worst that could happen? They've already seen the worst. At least then, it would be them together for the rest of however long their lives would last.

After careful consideration (not much at all), Cielo grinned even wider and leaned up to kiss him. He smiled in the kiss, dropping the photo onto the keyboard of the laptop he stole from Jensen Ackles's trailer and used that hand to cup Cielo's face. She pulled back enough to look him in the eyes, but pressed her forehead against his. "That a yes?" Sam asks her.

Cielo rolls her eyes playfully. "It's a thousand times yes," she says, making him smile even wider and kiss her again.

They both made a silent promise to actually get married after Eve's plan was shut down and the world was somewhat calmer than what it was. But still, she was going to be a Winchester. Who knew how long it would be until then, but having been able to call Sam her fiancé for even a little bit would be like all her prayers and wishes were answered.

Holy crap.


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