Chapter Fifty

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Sam was gone. He was gone. It didn't matter how long Cielo stared at the ground that had opened up into the door to the cage, she couldn't react. She couldn't move. She couldn't speak. She couldn't do anything. All she could do is stare at the Horsemen's rings and convince herself that it was going to open up and Sam was going to climb out of the cage.

But he never did.

Diana looked at her sadly, a frown on her face as she zoned out of the conversation between Dean and Bobby. "Go get her," Bobby tells Diana. Diana just shakes her head.

"Not yet."

"Diana—" Dean just wanted to leave. He didn't want to be there another second.

"Dean," Diana interrupts, looking at him. "You're not the only one who lost Sam."

Dean wants to protest, but decides against it and sighs.

Sam was truly gone. He was dead. For her, for his family... he died for them. He's dead. To this, emotions finally catch up to her and Cielo starts to cry. It catches all of their attention, especially Dean's when she's about to fall over. He takes long strides and catches her before she can hit the ground. She sobs loudly into his shoulder, breaking Dean's heart ultimately.

Of course, everyone was upset about Sam's death, but their pain could never compare to Dean's or Cielo's. Castiel frowns, not having fully understood the relationship between Cielo and Sam. Yes, he got that they were friends for a very long time and then started to love each other, but he didn't witness the love they shared. He didn't see the looks they would give each other when the other wasn't looking, or the desperation in their eyes. It was never something he was going to understand, but he liked Cielo. She was always kind to him. It... hurt him to see her this way.

Endings are hard. Everyone knows that. Anyone could have an idea for a beginning and be able to write it down, but endings are practically impossible. This ending was hard. Loose ends are trying to be tied, but there are still some strands poking out from the sides. Readers are always going to have their opinions. Frankly, they're always going to bitch. There's just no stopping it. There's always gonna be gray areas. And because it's the ending, there's supposed to be an answer to everything that happened. But frankly, this doesn't have an answer.

Cielo doesn't know why Sam had to be the one to go. Dean didn't want to go with Lisa, but he would because Sam wanted him to. Diana doesn't know what the hell she's gonna do after making that promise to Sam.

All questions led to the only one that could answer them. Sam. And maybe, Cielo could find answers. She could unfold the jacket Sam asked Bobby to give her. She could find the note buried in one of the pockets. But she physically couldn't. As she laid on her bed on the same side that Sam laid on what seemed just a few hours ago, all she could do was stare at it as it remained untouched on her desk. All she could do is cry and wish that he would open the door to her room. All she could do was pray that this was just some insanely lucid nightmare and that she would wake up and he'd be there to hold her and assure her that it wasn't real and that he'd never leave her.

But staring at the jacket only caused her more pain. She ended up putting it in the depths of her closet in a box that had the things that she didn't wanna put back up on the walls or on display. Maybe someday, she could bring herself to unfold the jacket, but for now, it had to be put away. And when she went back to bed, this time dozing off, she didn't hear the talking downstairs. She didn't hear the heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

But, she did hear the door opening. It woke her up, and through burning eyes and grogginess, she could never mistake anyone for the love of her life. She had to rub her eyes a few times, but the man didn't disappear.



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