Chapter Eighty-Six

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    She absolutely hated working with Crowley, but she's glad she made the choice of calling Dean when it came to going to John's storage. Because, at least she didn't have to go with Crowley alone.

    Cielo was fighting off the demons as hard as she could, but due to her weakness being her height and that she was rather small compared to the people that the demons were possessing, she wasn't getting too many hits towards them. Yes, she was very strong and she knew how to fight, their only disadvantage was that her and Dean were fighting more than double the amount of demons.

    Where the hell did Crowley go?

    And then, like a miracle, Cielo got the blade from Dean and kicked the demon to the wall hard. She panted, approaching the demon and before he could swing at her again, she caught his hand and punched his side before the demon was able to catch her hand and pin her to the wall. She pushed him off with as much force as she should and it sent him falling over the table where Cain sat at with his goddamn corn and beer.

    She was quick to stab the demon blade through the demon's neck, sending volts through the demon until it was dead. She panted, standing up and looking down at the demon dead in front of her. Her gaze shifted to Cain, who watched without so much as a flinch. Frustrated, she pulled the blade back out and pushed the demon's vessel off the table and onto the floor.

    Cain looked up at her, clearly his interest had been peaked. "What?" She asked between pants. "Was that some kind of a test?" She asked.

    After fighting with Dean on who would be getting the blade and killing Abbadon, she set her foot down, bringing up the fact that this was her trying to fix her mess. She didn't even give Dean a chance to argue because the demons started invading the house. She only needed help finding Cain, but now that they were here, she didn't need any further help and Dean was just as stubborn as she was.

    "I felt connected to you right from the beginning," Cain told her, her chest still heaved as she tried to catch her breath. "Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike."

    "Right," Cielo scoffed. "Except, I didn't kill my husband," she retorts sarcastically.

    "You saved your husband," he brings up, quirking his head. "Why?"

    "Because we had vowes," she replied. "You never give up on family— ever."

    "Where is your husband now, then?"

    Cielo gasps softly, glaring daggers at Cain. Her heart ached. After being gone from the bunker for so long, she missed him, she missed her daughter, her friends, and her sister. It was hard to be alone, especially after all the time they'd spent together. "I don't know what kind of game you're playing here," she says, "and I don't really care. Just give me the blade."

    Cain places his bottle of beer on the table, pushing his chair away from the table and going to stand. "Sorry, Cielo," he says, standing. "I have nothing to hand over."

    "What?" She asks incredulously, watching him turn to the stove with his ears of corn in his hands.

    "I no longer have the blade," he clarifies, glancing at her. "It's gone."

    "What do you mean 'gone'?" Crowley questions once Cielo filled him and Dean in on what Cain told her. "How? The spell brought us here to you, so it has to be here."

    "Your spell brought you to the source of the blade's power," Cain says, turning to face Crowley. "Me." Cain rolls his sleeve up, revealing what looks like a fresh scar in shape that almost resembled a backwards F.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now