Chapter Eighty-Two

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"So... what, Cas is human?" Sam questions.

The drive back to Kansas was fairly uneventful. Aside from the few stops and the desperate need for both of them to get back home to Stella, they were enjoying their time alone, knowing that they hardly got that as is. Now that they had a roadtrip ahead of them going back to the bunker, they stopped every few hours and ate, sat outside a few minutes, little things.

Sam sat next to Cielo on the wooden table, setting his feet on the bench itself and sat on the table. Cielo nodded, already having sat down on the bench a little while ago. "I guess. He said he lost his grace and whatever else he had."

"Okay," Sam replied, his hand resting on the back of her neck. "Where'd he crash-land?"

"Called me from Colorado," Cielo says. "Longmont. A pay phone, actually. I told him to go to the bunker and he was already frustrated when I said that, so I assumed that Dean told him the same thing."

Sam nods, rubbing his fingers into her skin, sending tingles through her. "You think he can handle a road trip like that?" He asks, looking down at her.

"I'd think so," Cielo replies honestly, staring off ahead of them. "He's been around us long enough to know the do's and don't's. If something happens, I'm sure Dean's gonna be the first one he calls."

Sam scoffs, shaking his head. "There's definitely something going on between them."

"Hundred percent," Cielo agrees with a chuckle and leans against his leg. "They're both just stubborn."

"Yeah. I'm sure they'll break eventually."

"Yeah," she sighs, leaning her body over and leans against his leg and lets her head fall on his thigh. "Bigger things to worry about, though."

"The fallen angels?" Sam guesses.

"Mhm," Cielo hums. "Thanks to Metatron, there's gotta be a couple thousand loose angels running around."

Sam scoffs softly, shaking his head and continues massaging her neck and shoulder. "What do you think they're gonna do?"

"No idea," Cielo sighs.

"What about Crowley? Did you...?"

"No," Cielo says. "I figured you would've wanted him dead, but I thought he might know a few things."

She lifts her head up and grins at Sam, standing up from the bench, making Sam's arm fall. "Wait, so." Sam stands, following Cielo as she walks back to the Impala, taking the keys out from her pocket and walking over to the trunk. "Crowley is alive?"

"Yep," Cielo replies, unlocking the trunk. She lifts it open, revealing Crowley with his hands and feet tied and duct tape over his mouth, laying in the trunk. "Alive and well, I would say."

"Huh," Sam hums with a bit of humor, looking down at the demon. "You got him in there by yourself?"

Cielo scoffs, looking up at him. "Yes, asshole." Sam laughs, allowing Cielo to slam the trunk closed and takes the keys from her. "Can we go now? I miss my kid."

"Our kid, and yes, let's go." Cielo's about to start walking to the passenger side of the car before Sam pulls her by the belt loop on her jeans and back towards him. She yelps, landing against him and laughs when he wraps his arms around her waist.

"You're a teenager, sometimes," she giggles, looking up at him.

He shrugs, not an ounce of denial as he leans down and kisses her. She smiles, kissing back and lets him pull back just enough to look in her eyes. "We have the car to ourselves," he says suggestively.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now