Chapter Ninety

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     It was a lot more difficult to fight Metatron than she thought. But since she broke out of the dungeons and made a beeline to Metatron, she had her mind set on killing him with the blade. Well, she couldn't really decipher if it was her who made that decision or the mark. But as she lands on the ground with a groan, Metatron kicks the blade from her hand, making a whole new weakness reveal itself.

     Metatron kicks her face, making her turn over and her eyes water from the blow. He then presses his foot firmly onto her wrist, making her cry out when she hears the faint cracking in her wrist. She pushes at his foot with her free hand with as much strength as she can muster, but it does nothing in her weak state.

     "So," Metatron begins, looking down at her. "You took Abaddon's scalp, then you figured you'd take on little old nebbishy me." She tries clenching her hand into a fist, focusing on getting the blade to her, but it hurts to. "What could go wrong?" She looks up at him with half closed eyes, her heart pounding in her ears. "And you're powered by the bone of a jackass, and it is just awesome, right?" Cielo doesn't reply, still trying to push his foot away. "Here's a tip—" Metatron bends over a little bit, dropping his voice, "next time, try to be powered by the Word of God."

     Another blow is thrown to her face, sending her back again with a groan. Metatron stands her up with ease, even though all she was in the moment was dead weight, only to send her flying back with another blow. She leans against the wall weakly, blood falling from her mouth and staining the white long sleeve she was wearing. Metatron pins her onto the wall, throwing punch after punch to her face and abdomen until she's falling again.

     Even sitting on the ground, Metatron keeps going, creating cuts around her hairline and creating a stream of blood from her nose and a cut on her cheekbone and eyebrow. Blood makes her hair stick to her face and she does nothing when Metatron grabs her by the jaw and makes her look up at him.

     He throws another punch, making her fall over slightly, catching herself with shaking arms that can't support her weight. Half conscious, she slightly tilts her head to look up and makes her vision focus on the blade that was a good distance away from her.

     She had to survive this. She needed to go home. She needed to be Stella's mother and she needed to be there. She needed to make amends with Sam and help her family with whatever else life throws at them.

     She opens her hand a little bit, focusing on the blade and thinking hard for it to come to her. It does, zooming towards her hand and into her grasp. Weakly, she makes her way to stand back up to end this, and even manages to sit back up against the wall, but just as she does, Metatron reappears with an angel blade and pierces it straight through her chest, pushing it as far as it would go until her skin meets the handle.

     She gasps, her breathing strangled as she freezes, her hand letting go of the blade, making it clatter next to her.

     She doesn't feel it at first, just something plunging into her chest, until he twisted the blade. That's when she felt it. Her mouth remained gaped, her breathing coming out in segments. She had to live. She had to go home.

     Metatron pulled the blade out, making her breathing falter for another beat as she heard Sam's faint screams. She couldn't make out who it was, trying to focus on surviving for Stella, but it was like her life was being taken away from her like a loose thread, being pulled and pulled until there would eventually be nothing.

     She can't die. She can't die.

     She takes in shuddering breaths, looking up and looking over where she saw Sam's faint shape somewhere... over there. He's here. I'm gonna be okay. He'll help me. Her lips twitch at the end before her eyes roll and she falls over, not being able to move any part of her body. Stay awake. Sam's here. Stay awake.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now