Chapter Nine

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Sam's premonitions only continued after that. They had the Colt, they had their father, they only actually needed to hunt down Yellow Eyes. Except now, John had been taken by Meg and her brother, which truth be told, Cielo didn't mind.

But, unfortunately, Dean and Sam minded very much. Diana and Cielo stayed standing by Bobby while Sam read off the exorcism and Cielo only watched as the chair moved throughout the Devil's Trap. The sisters shared a look, one that they had made up when they needed to talk.

Cielo nodded and followed Diana out of the house where the screaming was muffled. "I don't mind John dying," Diana said.

Cielo snorted and shook her head, shoving her hands in her back pockets. "I don't either."

Diana sighed and leaned against a post. "But I feel like we really have to save him."

"We do," Cielo agreed. "As much as we don't want to, we have to for Sam and Dean."

Diana nodded in agreement and looked at her sister. "You're really in love with Sam, huh?"

Cielo sighed and sat down on the steps by the door. "I don't know. Being in love with him isn't something I actually thought about."

"From the looks of it," Diana started, "it's pretty obvious."

"Is it?" The girl asked.

Diana nodded. "To me. Who knows if Dean caught on."

Cielo snorted and put her face in her hands. "Ugh, I don't know. I mean, liking him is one thing and that one thing I've known, but being in love with him is such a... a commitment, you know? I have absolutely no chance of being with Sam and even if I did, how the hell am I supposed to know what to do?"

Cielo began to rant to her sister about everything she had been feeling. "Every relationship I've been in I screwed it up. No one wants a girl who doesn't have sex or have the experience of someone my age should be. Sam is probably way more experienced than I am, Dee."

Diana chuckled and kneeled down by her stressed out sister. "Sex is only a fraction of a relationship, Cielo. It's not a deal breaker."

Cielo scoffed, "Yeah right. You saw how Dean was when I rejected that guy in Bisbee. He, quite literally, said that sex is everything."

"He's wrong. It's John's doing as a shitty father that made him stupid in the relationship world," Diana stated. Cielo nods in agreement. That was true. "And any guy would be extremely lucky to have you. Whether it be Sam or not, there is going to be a guy out there who wants you for more than just sex or a certain quality of you. Okay?"

Cielo sighed and kicked a rock. "I guess."

The door immediately opened and as if it was on cue or a cruel joke from the universe, Sam stood there. He was surprised to see Diana. Probably because he only noticed that his best friend wasn't there anymore. "Hey," Sam said.

Cielo smiled up at him. Diana stood up and dusted herself off. "I'll leave you to it."

Diana went back inside and Sam sat down beside Cielo. There was a noticeable difference in leg length and it made her grin. It was then that she noticed how quiet it had gotten. "You okay?" She asked him.

Sam sighed and stretched out his legs. "I mean, we got Dad's location. We sent Meg back to Hell, but the vessel is dead," Sam explained. "She was so terrified and so grateful we got rid of the demon, but she didn't get to go back home."

Cielo frowned and reached out to grab Sam's hand. It was a bold move, even for her and the friendship they had. She liked how big his hand was compared to hers. Hers wasn't incredibly small, but compared to his, it looked tiny. There was a good inch remaining on the top of his fingers if she were to compare the sizes.

"You gonna go get your dad?" Cielo asked him, looking at nothing but him.

Sam took in a shakey breath as he held Cielo's hand. His stomach flipped multiple times on end and his heart skipped a few beats. "Yeah. We're heading out soon." She nodded. "Are you coming?"

Cielo nodded again. "If you want me to, yeah."

"I do want you to," Sam answered, a little too quickly for his liking.

Cielo grinned a little bit, "Okay."

It was like a wave of emotions when Cielo put her head on his shoulder. Sam never knew her to be so affectionate, but he wasn't complaining. He liked physical touch. He liked giving hugs and holding hands. He liked giving her hugs and holding her hand. If they were to ever date, he wouldn't be one for PDA, but if that's what she wants, that's what she'd get.

Sam was willing to give her the entire world if she asked for it.

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