Chapter Eighty-Eight

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     Cielo huffed, dropping the book onto the table and flipped open the hardcover, immediately flipping through pages after pages on something— anything. Anything that'll help find Abaddon or, better yet, something to help the Mark on her arm. Now that Stella was officially a year old and her relationship with Sam was rekindling, she couldn't help but show frustration with anything that ticked her off even the smallest bit.

     "Hey," Sam greeted when he found her, his jacket over his shoulders and his duffle ready.

     Cielo glanced over, acknowledging him before looking back at her book. "Hey," she replies with a sigh.

     "You catch any shut-eye last night?" Sam asked her, noting the fact that she, indeed, did not go to bed the night before.

     Cielo thought about lying to him, but her lying never got anywhere good. "No," she says.

     Sam nods, standing by her. "Guess I'm driving, then."

     "Where to?" Cielo asks, not looking up from the book.

     "Caught wind of a case online," Sam explains, setting a paper in front of her. She glances at it, finding a news report with a woman's photo being the main focus. "A first grade teacher came home and killed her husband."

     Cielo shrugs, looking up at him while still being hunched over the book. "So? She probably just snapped."

     "She pounded him into ground chuck," Sam adds.

     "So, what? Possession?"

     "Best guess," Sam nods.

     Cielo nods, turning around and looking back at the books on the shelf that she set down with anything remotely related to Abaddon. "Gonna tell Dean? I'm sure it'll be a milk run," she tells him, picking up the top book.

     Sam clears his throat lightly, watching as Cielo keeps her back turned to him. "I was... thinking. Why don't we go on the case? Just us two?"

     Cielo furrows her eyebrows, turning her head to look at him. "What?"

     "Look, I want to find Abaddon, too, but we've all been combing through this stuff for days."

     "And maybe we missed something," Cielo insists.

     "And maybe there are better ways to spend our time than just spin our—"

     Cielo sighs impatiently. "Maybe we don't have time," she snaps, setting the book down harshly onto the table.

     Sam blinks, quirking his head a bit. "What's going on with you?" He asks her. She feels her arm tingle uncomfortably like if her arm was falling asleep. She shakes it a bit, looking down at the book and setting her palms on the table.

     "Nothing," she mutters.

     "Yeah?" Sam challenges, stepping closer to her. "Because ever since you killed Magnus, you've been acting... sort of... obsessed. The only time you seem to get away from..." he waves his hand at the research in emphasis, "this... is for Stella."

     Cielo sighs softly, tilting her head up enough to look at him. "I just..." she gulps, standing up straighter and looking up at him. "I just want all this to be over. If we find Abaddon, then Crowley gives up the First Blade, and we kill them both. What you call 'obsessed', I call doing my job. Okay?"

     Cielo walks around him and goes to the bigger book and hunches over, rereading the paragraph. "Okay," Sam sighs. "I get it, Ci, I do. I'm just checking in."

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now