Chapter Seventy-One

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    Sam wandered down the hall in search of his wife with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. When he saw her, he sighed sadly. He saw her posture, how she stood with slumped shoulders and an arm wrapped over her torso. She was looking into the room, clearly fighting back tears as hard as she possibly could. He understood. He didn't wanna go back either.

    "Baby," he called softly when he approached. His hand went to her shoulder and down her back until it settled on her hip.

    "I don't wanna leave yet," she mumbles sadly, staring into the dimly lit room.

    Sam sighs, placing his chin on her shoulder, looking into the room, too. "Me neither."

    "We were so close Sam," Cielo continues. Her eyes started to sting and her chest started to ache. She was so close to her fairy tale ending with Sam. But naturally, something had to come up because that's what their life was. Shit coming up one after the other because that was their normal.

    "I know," Sam sighs, placing a soft kiss on the back of her shoulder. In an attempt to try and pry her away from the room, he starts tugging softly on her side. "C'mon, if we wanna get there on time, we should leave. And we still have to stop in Sioux Falls."

    Cielo nibbles on her bottom lip and gives one last look at the unfinished mural on the wall. Sam mumbles another "Come on" before she gives in and lets Sam guide her away and down the hallway.

    As Sam drove the Impala down the dark road, he looked over every so often to look at his wife. He saw the gloomy look in her eyes from the rare light that they would pass by and noticed how she would be quick to wipe at her cheeks with her sleeve. He didn't wanna go back any more than she did. Of course, he was ecstatic to hear that Dean and Diana were back, and was even more thrilled to go and see them, but his and Cielo's fantasy was cut short because that's all it could be.

    A fantasy.


    After stopping in Sioux Falls to put stuff in a storage unit and another 10 hours, they finally made it to Rufus's cabin in Montana. Being there again was weird, even for Cielo, as she adored the cabin. How small and cozy it was. It was just weird being there again after a year.

    Sam put Baby in park in front of a tree, turning the key and taking it out, before he leaned back in the seat with a low sigh. "Are we making the right decisions?" Cielo wondered, staring off to the scenery outside of the windshield.

    Sam let out a long breath through his nose, looking down at the keys in his hands, and looked over at her. "I hope so."

    She looked over at him. His hair now having grown to his shoulders and curled at the ends. His hazel eyes as captivating as ever... it was like nothing changed. He offered her a gentle smile, one that mostly reassured her, but she could see the hesitance he had, too.

    At the same time, they each opened the doors to their respective sides of the car and got out. Cielo breathed in the autumn air, closing her eyes gently against the breeze. Sam met her on his side of the car, grasping her hand and giving her a light squeeze before they walked up the creaky steps and to the door.

    Sam walks in first, taking Dean's tackle to the ground. Diana comes up, pushing Cielo against the now-closed door, making her heart pound fast against her chest. "Jeez!" Cielo exclaimed, raising her hands in surrender. Diana ignores her, holding her against the door and looking back at Dean as he pours holy water, salt, borax— the works, all over Sam.

    Cielo cringes, watching Dean slice Sam's arm with the silver blade. "Or a shifter," Dean confirms, then looks over at Cielo and Diana. "Your turn."

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now