Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Cielo couldn't wait for the car to come to a stop. Before Dean could even put the car in park, Cielo is already getting out of the car and heading to the motel room Dean said he had bought earlier. "Cielo!" Sam is calling her name repeatedly and all she does is open the door and walk in, not even bothering to close it. "Cielo, please," he begs, walking in after.

She scoffs, shaking her head and looking through Dean's bags. "You know, it's one thing to lie to me, but then you want to pretend like you never lied and think you can still get through to me," she says, finally finding Dean's flask.

"I wasn't lying!" Sam says desperately. "I really had cut her off and I really had thought it was over! She just-"

"Somehow knew where you were and who you were with?" Cielo questions angrily, screwing open Dean's flask.

Sam sighs in defeat as Diana and Dean finally walk into the room. Dean pauses, scoffs, and waves at Cielo. "Seriously? My flask?" He asks like a child who had to share a toy.

Cielo ignores him, still sipping the liquor and resisting the urge to just throw it at the wall or at Sam's head. Diana can see how hard she's gripping at the flask and widens her eyes slightly. "Alrighty, Sam, why don't we go outside," she suggests.

"No, I need to-"

"You will go outside right now or I'm dragging you by your ear," Diana spits, earning complete silence from Sam. Sam rolls his eyes and starts walking to the door and she smiles, "Good choice."

Once they're outside, Cielo finally finishes the liquor and swallows it with ease. She's trembling in anger. Angry that she can't ever get over Sam and how little dignity she has now that she's willing to go back to a lying bastard like him. The rage takes over her as she shouts and throws the flask as hard as she can to the wall.

"Whoa! Okay!" Dean says, completely terrified of Cielo in the moment.

"Why did it have to be him?!" She snaps, facing Dean. "Why couldn't it have been a guy who I knew I'd never see again?! Why did it have to be the bastard who's been my best friend since before I even knew what alcohol tasted like?!"

Dean rolls his eyes, shrugging a bit. "Girl, I don't know."

"You're sounding like Diana," she replies. "And why is it that the angels say we're "meant to be together," yet they're behind all the shit that happens?!" She's trying to grab the lamp to throw, but Dean steps in before she can.

"Hey, hey, hey. Let's not destroy the furniture. It's expensive and we only have so much money," he tells her, taking it from her.

She grunts, sitting down at the table. "Fuck!" She shouts, letting her elbows sit on the table and her head in her hands. She wanted to kill him. Strangle him until he turned purple.

"Alright, we're gonna do this how they do it in the movies, I guess," Dean mutters to himself and carefully sits down in front of her. "Why are you so upset that you're supposed to be with Sam?" He asks like a therapist.

She inhales sharply and drops her arms. "I'm not upset at that! I'm upset at-"

"Calm down," Dean tells her. "Take a deep breath and then calm down."

"You've gotta tone down the pay-per view," she tells him, rolling her eyes and leaning back in the chair.

He shrugs, "If not for pay-per view, I wouldn't know how to even handle you." She snorts, shaking her head. "So, why are you so upset?"

"It's just that..." she sighs in frustration. "The last person that I would've hated as much as I do right now is Sam. I wish that this could've happened with anyone else and not him. He's been my best friend for ages and the one guy I like that happens to be him breaks my heart and..." Her eyes are becoming watery and her voice is cracking. "I hate him for what he did and I hate myself for being willing to take him back the second he says something I want to hear."

"Would it be such a bad thing to give it another go?" Dean asks her. She scoffs in return and shakes her head. "Ci, think about it. The angels are saying that you're supposed to be together. They had a whole thing during whatever it was they did to us where you and Sam were going to end up together. It's like... wingmen for the Wingers."

She cringes, looking back at Dean. "Wingers? What the hell is that?"

"Your... name combo," Dean says sheepishly. "We would've done Sam and Cielo, but it would've been the same, just with a different letter. Me and Diana came up with it."

"Got it," Cielo replies.

"But, back to the point. It's not like all relationships are TV show perfect. Especially in our department of work."

"What do you know about relationships?" Cielo tests.

"Diana likes to rant."

Cielo chuckles, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Yeah, I know."

"Look, just think about it," Dean tells her. "You've spent all this time convincing yourself that you hate him, which is understandable. If I were in your place, I would too. But, you've gotta get over it at one point. It's up to you to decide when that is. Like yeah, he cheated on you with a demon and lied to you..." Cielo gave him a look. He shut up immediately. "But you guys are meant to be, Cielo. I know you both and you'll both get past this. I have faith in that."

"Are you betting with Diana?"

"Yes and I need $20 for gas," he jokes.

Cielo laughs. Dean wasn't actually betting with Diana. Well, he was... just not in this particular area of Sam and Cielo's relationship. He was just glad to see her laughing again and have been able to get through to her. Dean just hoped that whatever she was holding against Sam was going to slowly come down and the old Cielo would come back.

Key word,


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