Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You okay?" Sam asks as Cielo approaches him.

She bites the inside of her cheek, "Okay is an interesting way of putting it."

Sam chuckles at the girl and decides to reword his question. "Physically?"

Cielo nods, looking down at her scruffed Converse. "I'm fine."

Cielo never forgot what happened. It haunts her. The fact that she died in Sam's arms and Dean sold his soul to save her... she didn't think she would die at such a young age. She barely hit the 23 mark a few months ago, how the hell did she manage to die in that time?

She supposed it comes with living a life like hers. The constant fear that you could just drop dead at any time. The constant fear that she'll drop dead.

The ditch that the five (Sam, Dean, Cielo, Diana, and Bobby) managed to dig for the few vessels out of the 7 deadly sins was big and took all of the energy Cielo managed to save for that specifically. As Dean placed the last body down in the dirt, she sat down a few feet away to catch her breath. She watched silently as Sam and Dean spread salt and gasoline over the corpses. Diana sat beside her, playing with the grass.

"Think she'll be alright?" Cielo asked suddenly, motioning to the hunter the group encountered during their case. Cielo's heart hurt for the woman as she stared down at the burning body they wrapped for a hunter's funeral who was once her husband.

"No," Dean replied. "Definitely not."


Bobby approached them, evident tiredness in his expression. "Well, you look like Hell warmed over," Dean commented.

"Well, you try exorcising all night and see how you feel," Bobby retorted.

"Any survivors, Bobby?" Sam asked him.

At this, Cielo and Diana stood up and stood beside the brothers. "Well, the pretty girl and the heavy guy, they'll make it. Lifetime of therapy bills ahead, but, still..."

"That's more than you can say for these poor bastards," Dean said.

"Bobby, that knife—" Sam began. "What kind of blade can kill a demon?"

Bobby hesitated to reply. "Yesterday, I would have said there was no such thing."

Diana sighed from beside Cielo. "I'm just gonna say it. Who was that chick and why was she so—"

Cielo interrupted the rest of the question by shaking her head at her sister.

"Actually, the more troubling question would be, 'How come a girl can fight better than you?'"

Cielo grinned up at Sam, waiting for the response. Sam grinned at his brother. "Three demons, Dean... at once."

The girl snorted, gaining Sam's attention. "Whatever floats your boat."

Sam shook his head at her. "Yeah, well, if you want a troubling question, I got one for ya—"

"What's that?" Dean asked.

"If we let out the seven deadly sins, what else did we let out?"

The mood instantly fell. "You're right, that is troubling." Dean lit his lighter and tossed it into the ditch.

Maybe Someday; Sam WinchesterWhere stories live. Discover now